i collect autographs and NEVER sell them. so to say i'm a pissed off ebayer is ignorant to say the least. and yeah, to pay $400 and see them for less than 1 minute with the band is for die hards. i paid $1000 for the ozzy meet and greet and we got drunk with the band. and then had 5 to 10 minutes with ozzy. that was worth every penny. call me what you want but you can't deny what happened. glen threw a hissy fit. maybe he had a bad day, maybe it was the meds, either way, he acted like a child. i think it was because he doesn't like to sign guitars and he thought i was an ebayer just like you labeled me. and he and you are wrong. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Where AmI from Friday, July 25, 2008 6:33:06 PM)
Where AmI wrote:
To paperflowers:
Quite likely loaded with antibiotics, needing sleep. He looks like he could use a shoulder massage and a bouquet of flowers.
To chewey:
Whiny ass, autograph-hunter, Ebay seller gets pissed off because he can't have what he wants, though he more than got what he paid for. 2 tour dates got cancelled because Glenn Tipton got sick and it's understandable that the fans who were looking forward to the 2 events were pissed off and needed to vent: good metal concerts are few and far between but I''m sure that now they understand the circumstances. But you....
If anybody pays $400 to shake the hand of the Priest, seen the show, had fun, been backstage and you call this thing for die-hard fans only, then I think you should have paid your way into another meet and greet by some other band you can sell the stuff on Ebay for a lot more to make up for it.
F'in whiner. (Quoting Message by paperflowers from Friday, July 25, 2008 5:00:27 PM)
paperflowers wrote:
Doesn't he have appendicitis? I'm betting he still feels like absolute shit from whatever treatment he's on.
Sorry you had a bad experience. I tracked down my other favorite artist a few years ago and the experience was completely ruined by his heinous bitch assistant. This woman would make Jayne cry.