my dear sweet jeanine, i was just looking at those myself, and nearly swooned! Valient, hello there! i agree with you, leather does smell so lovely. jeanine, don't those pics seem reminicent of the early days? KK especially? the choker. i saw that and my jaw dropped! he's looking hot as hell. and Glenn's hair!!! im actually loving it in these pics!! Ian? my god, he looks bad ass as ever. love how he holds his bass. and of coarse Rob with that metal god presence backed up by Scott's bone crushing beats! and i'm loving the new leathers for the guys. Glenn and his red. he looks amazing in it. i found my self wanting to nuzzle a certain "area" of KK's that shows up quite nicely in these pics. and uhm, the guitar? the white one with the K's up and down the neck? i want to lick it!!!