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TOPIC: What are youo listening rigt now?
[crypticangle] Sunday, August 31, 2008 6:51:41 PM 
Here ya go--Headbanger--Henry Ford painted all Model T's black because the black paint dried faster.
The middle finger originated in the 100 year war between the English & The French--the English invented the " long bow " which was " plucked " with the middle  finger.---. The French were scared so when they captured an Englishman . they would cut off the "plucking"  finger. In 1 battle the English were winning & as the French retreated , the English held up their middle fingers as if to say "We can still pluck you "--as time went by the anglo-saxon "pl" became "f" & now the middle finger means "fuck " you & not pluck you ---also--the arrows were made out of pheasant feathers --hence --" giving the bird"  See --I told ya --just a vast knowledge of useless facts !! 
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