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TOPIC: Social Issues and Politics
[Painkiller1990] Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:25:58 PM 
You said there have been over 3 million production jobs lost in the last eight years? Where do you get your facts from? The US is still the #1 manufacturer in the world, China is now #2. You obviously blame Bush for what you believe. So, let's take a look at who's really to blame here.
Let's start with the auto industry. The US is the world leader in auto manufacturing throughout the world. People love our cars.
In the US, the Government has just approved a 25 billion dollar bailout of the auto makers. GM I believe...  So, I ask you, why is this? Why are American auto makers struggling to keep up with Toyota?  I'll tell you, over regulation, and this is a fact. Liberal Democrats are beholden to the environmentalist lobby in this country. You can start with Al Gore and work your way down the ladder. These idiots have instituted unreasonable CAFE standards on the auto industry, forcing them to make their cars differently here in the States than in the rest of the world. The result is poor sales domestically. The Government is to blame for this. So, sales go down and jobs go away because demand for these cars is lower than it should be. Thank you very much to the Democratic party. Now, that's who's fault it is, this isn't a game of pass the buck, this is the truth.

TThat's just one example. Another example is the Liberals in Washington making it illegal to make, sell, or buy incandescent light bulbs in the US come 2010.  Democrats passed this bill to outlaw them, not Republicans. And oh how sweet a deal it is for the CHICOMS because the only place the green bulbs are made thet we're now forced to buy is in China. Again, I want to strees... Liberal environmental Democrats are responsible for this. Say goodbye to jobs anywhere in the US where incandescent light bulbs are made in the US.
Only to be replaced by bulbs full of mercury powder... again, thank you to the Democratic party.

Let me also say this, you cannot disassociate yourself from Unions if you're a labor guy. Labor and Unions are one in the same. That's the way it is and I'll not be told differently. Let's look at how Unions have caused people to lose their jobs.  Again, back to GM. Unions strong armed GM into large salaries (That aint a bad thing, btw) but they also negotiated huge pensions, retirement healthcare packages that not only cover the retired worker, but their families too.
This was all fine at the time but times have changed. Since the ridiculous regulations were thrust upon car manufacturers sales have taken a nose dive and GM couldn't do business any longer like it had. People got laid off, major cutbacks were implemented, and now they need help from the Government, all because of your liberal Democratic party.

And lets look at this current debacle we're in, all caused by liberal Democrats. The original brain-child of Jimmy Carter, modified by Bill Clinton, enforced by Janet Reno, mortgage companies were forced to lend money to people who could not pay it back. Minorities, low income people, even illegal aliens were given mortgages to buy homes that they could not pay back. This was done in the name of compassion by liberal Democrats, not Republican. Fannie and Freddy at the time, headed up by Frankin Raines (Who currently works on the Obama Campaign as an economic advisor) Raines made 100 million dollars over 7 years because he kept buying up all these bad loans that weren't getting paid back. They bought so many to inflate their assets on paper, and Raines ended up with huge bonuses, only to be kicked out of there due to all the fraud. Same thing with Jim Johnson, who also happens to be on the Obama economic team. He was booted out of there too due to fraud. Fannie and Freddy were nothing less than a Democratic piggy bank. Chris Dodd took the most money from them,  I believe, a ten year period... Obama comes in at #2 in receiving money from them after only three years, then there's Barny Frank, Jamie Gorelick, Chck Schumer, and on and on.  Meanwhile, in 2003 Bush called for reforms to F&F, McCain called for reforms in 2005, warning of this exact precise thing. Democrats killed any and all attempts to reform it. Rather, Barny Frank was out there telling everyone there is no problem with F&F, they're fine. Chris Dodd too.  Barny Frank, we now just found out, was in a gay relationship with the high ranking member of F&F.  The Democratic party was allowing all this scandal and back door favors to happen while getting filthy rich on the backs of tax payers mortgages.

Now, the idea that you only vote based on the voting record of the candidate is either a flat out lie, or, you're just a political hack who would vote for a Democrat no matter who was running, or, you simply aren't aware of what's really going on with this party, Obama included.
There's no way you could vote for Obama based on his voting record because he's been in the Senate only 183 days before he started running for President. He's got no voting record to speak of, he's inexperienced and not qualified to be dog catcher, never mind President.
Edited at: Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:27:09 PM Edited at: Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:31:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:32:59 PM
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