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TOPIC: What are youo listening rigt now?
[WhiskeyWoman] Tuesday, October 07, 2008 12:19:08 PM 


This is done whilst emailing one of our local 'rock' stations who is doing a vote for Best Band, Best Singer, Best Drummer, Best Album Cover, Best Concept Album, and Best Guitarist & Bass ... you get the idea.

BUT ... of course, Judas Priest is not even an option to vote for in any category, whatsoever! 

I'm trying to be as nice as possible to these people, but I am just a little freakin' tired of JP consistently being the most under-rated, overlooked band in music history.  Grrr....      (Not even an honourable mention).

I told them they may be surprised at how many votes JP would get, if given the chance.  Bloody hell ... stupid radio-stations ...

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