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TOPIC: What are youo listening rigt now?
[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 11, 2008 2:13:40 PM 
Hey, at least you have good taste in your Van Hagar! Poundcake One of my favs as well.

I have seen Van Hagar a number of times (usually in a Monster of Rock setting when I went for other bands). Fan of Sammy, no doubt. Just NOT a fan of Van Hagar. Sorry. This being said, the last tape (dating myself) I bought was the first VHagar. Only song that somewhat called to me...GET UP! Love Eddie's little guitar here!

Still stand by my "No VH without Dave" post, though. Seeing them first time last year was a highlight of my life. Too bad there was NO MICHAEL A!! Ah well...Wolfgang did his job.

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