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TOPIC: What are youo listening rigt now?
[mmmmmm] Wednesday, October 15, 2008 7:11:03 PM 

Well I don't know if I can adopt you--I may be too OLD ya know --so I'll just keep on singing !!  (me me me me me --tunign up )
Saturday in the park
I think it was the 4th of July 
Saturday in the park 
I think it was the 4th of July
Peopl drawing people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Sining Italian songs
Can you  dig it ( yes I dig it )
And I 've been waiting such a long time 
For Saturday

Saturday in the park
I think it was the 4th of July
People talking people smiling
A man playing guitar
Singing for songs 
Will you help him change the words 
Can you  dig it ( yes I dig it )
And I've been waiting for Saturday

Saturday in the park
Think it was the 4th of July
people reachning people touching
A real celebration
Waiting for us all
If we want -really want it
Can you dig it ( yes I can)

Can YOU dig it Ron ??----Charge me wih cruel & unusual punishment will ya __why I jsut sent Deep Freeze running from me --he's scared of me  I do believe !!--oh what's that Ron --I should've posted this song in the sing us a song topic ??--well chock it up to being older than Methusalis(I know I spelled that wrong !!)

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