Sure. I could say Guido Guido Guido. Instead, I use the subject PRONOUN "I." I could say "I give the bike to Mary." Likewise, I could reduce it to "I give it to her." It being the direct object pronoun, her being the indirect object PRONOUN. Pronouns take the place of nouns. Usually to avoid unnecessary repetition of nouns. Simple as that...
"BOARD" is a noun. If you reduced it to a pronoun it would, most likely, be it (depends on usage in the sentence). Proper nouns are distinguished from COMMON nouns in that they name something specific and, duh, begin with a capital letter.
Common noun: "The dog is cute." Proper noun: "Snoopy is cute."
Common noun: "Someone hit me with a board the other day." Proper noun: "I like to write on the Board!"
"Board," by any stretch of the imagination isn't a pronoun. If you can get a definite article "the" in front, you have a NOUN! The board. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:10:26 AM) Edited at: Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:32:28 AM