That is nicely done! I think the photo doesn't do your work justice. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:49:40 PM)
spapad wrote:
Here is a partial of a full sized self portrait I made in college for a class. I got an A+ on it, but I don't have the whole picture because my camera sucked and it got destroyed before I ever got a full pic of it. Wish I could explain how good it was. the project was to make a full sized self portrait and surround yourself with you favorite things. In most portraits you would start with the background, but in this case, I wanted to use colored pencil and grease pencil to simulate the leather, so I did that part first. and for all you fans who go a way back, Rob's shot in the background was of him on his Harley with mirrored glasses that reflected blue and there was smoke around the bottom of the Harley. Going to write the Dean to see if I can get a copy of his picture.