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TOPIC: Social Issues and Politics
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Wednesday, November 19, 2008 10:33:17 AM 
stratlover wrote:
I quite agree. While it is obvious that in any capitalist country big buisinesses are in bed with politics, I dont think that the Orwellian scenario is the right one to describe the situation. I think its more the case that politicians will offer their power and influence to the highest bidder. 

Who are the "highest bidder"(s)?   And what would these "bidders" do with this influence and power? And what power and what influence so politicians have?

we're on a real roll now, into this increasing totalitarianistic society and we're hearing the terms used of ‘a world of service’. Obama had it, on his website in fact, one of his speeches, that's now been pulled, just prior to the Election. Bring in a 'world of service', a 'country of service'. The same terminology, in fact, he uses as the Cecil Rhodes Foundation for global governance and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, or the CFR, which are both the same thing. The “global citizenship” etc.
All of these terms came from the Royal Institute of International Affairs and they're on a roll now, to bring in this global society and most people think 'Well, what's wrong with that? We're all people, we're all decent people aren't we?' and we've had 40 years of indoctrination into multicultural agenda, to try not to make people really, as much accept multiculturalism, but to make them become less nationalistic, that was the real purpose of it. As I say, we're decent people, why not have this global society? Well, it's not going to be the kind of fairyland society that people imagine. In fact it could be a prison, your own country with its borders could be a prison because, you see, in the Brave New World scenario, according to Jacques Attali and other authors, who work now with the United Nations, the one who said that the next boat people leaving the American shores will be Americans, looking for work abroad, in his book Millennium. You find that they can keep you inside the border electronically, when we're all electronically-tagged.
The push is on now, for the chipped passport, for all Canadians and U.S. citizens, Mexicans and so on. Eventually, it will be extended all through the Americas, all Latin America, because they're all scheduled to come in to the system, in the same fashion that they brought in all the other countries into the E.U. (Economic Union of Europe). When it's time for them and they've had enough work done on them, and the same system has been introduced and accepted, then they bring them in. Long-term strategy, long-long-term strategy; and, I mentioned when this last farce of an economic bubble, not quite burst, it sort of bubbled a bit and floundered but really, they could have pulled that bubble one anytime they wished because the Stock Market has always been rigged, from its very inception. They could have kept the same con game going for another 50 years, if they wanted to; so, why did they do it now? Well, it's time you see, to bring in the new economic society, where money and the 'power of the purse' will be used to control every single person and make you behave and accept your new indoctrination of political correctness and, just like a computer program, every week, you'll have a new version of political correctness. The 'double think' that I mentioned last week, of George Orwell and the ability to hold two opposing opinions in your head, at the same time, and believe in both of them. The schizoid system that they're bring in   ....
This is from Reuters UK News and how they're going to use this crisis, you see, to bring in their system; and, this is from November the 10th 2008:-
Brown says time to build global society
The Prime Minister of Britain, Mr. Brown, says:- 
Time to build a global society. The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society, Prime Minister Gordon Brown will say, in a keynote policy speech on Monday  
You understand these men are just front men, they read speeches written by professional script writers. There was even a scandal in Canada recently, where the Prime Minister had read a script and it came out in the mainstream media that they borrowed most of it from the Prime Minister of Australia, in one of his speeches. They're just front men you see. So, he will say this you see, I guess they hand it out to all the major newspaper companies, before he gives a speech.  
In his annual speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, Brown who has spearheaded calls for the reform of international financial institutions will say Britain...  
Will say huh!  
... Britain, the United States and Europe are key to forging a new world order  
Something they can say, without being conspiracy nuts; but if you mention it, you're a conspiracy nut.  
“The alliance between Britain and the U.S. -- and more broadly between Europe and the U.S. -- can and must provide leadership, not in order to make the rules ourselves, but to lead the global effort to build a stronger and more just international order," an excerpt from the speech says.  
Why not just print the speech up and they could save some bucks, he wouldn't have to go and attend this thing?  
Brown and other leaders meet in Washington next weekend to discuss longer term solutions for dealing with economic issues following a series of coordinated moves on interest rates and to recapitalise banks in the wake of the financial crisis. Uniquely in this global age, it is now in our power to come together so that 2008 is remembered not just for the failure of a financial crash that engulfed the world but for the resilience and optimism, with which we faced the storm,  
Oh, the poor script writer, you know, a 'B' grade movie one. 
Brown will say in his speech on Monday evening "...And if we learn from our experience of turning unity of purpose into unity of action  
Where have we heard these terms before?  
we can together seize this moment of change in our world to create a truly global society. According to a summary of the speech released by his office, Brown will set out five great challenges the world faces  
They always love 'Five', for the five points in Masonry.  
These are terrorism and extremism and the need to reassert faith in democracy  
They should invent democracy because we've never had it  
He said "the global economy; climate change; conflict and mechanisms for rebuilding states after conflict;  
This, after they go and flatten what's already there. You understand that war is a renovation job; do you understand that's what it is? When they blasted all of the infrastructure out of Afghanistan, their water supplies, the factories that made the baby food, they were flattened too, they claimed they were making chemicals there, until they found nothing but, well, powdered baby food. They flattened everything and they also demolished all the old oil refineries, they said they were obsolete, therefore it was better to bomb them from the air, using U.S. tax money, and they would rebuild new ones, for Halliburton and so on, which they've done. War is a renovation job. They did the same thing in Japan at the end of World War Two, flattened, burned out Tokyo and the big boys, the Halliburtons of their day get the big contracts to go in and rebuild them. Here he goes on here: 
I'm "meeting goals on tackling poverty and disease   
Well these are the guys, these are the guys who want to bring the population down, by using disease; and, as they say: 'well the poor will always be with us', and they make sure of that. They've got to have the poor, you see, because you can always get one half of the poor to kill the other half. That's what the military is all about, that's how it works this way, and they can always create class distinction and conflict when it suits them.  
Brown will also identify five stages for tackling the economy, starting with recapitalising banks so they can resume lending to families  
Ha ha  
and businesses, and better international co-ordination of fiscal and monetary policy.  
Then it goes on and on and on, this handout that they give about the speech, before anyone else actually gives the speech! It's quite a joke isn't it? 

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