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TOPIC: Has bigfoot been found?
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, December 13, 2008 1:00:52 PM 

That's right, strat! There are explanations of a more "common" nature. Research shows that almost all "classic" ghost signs can be explained as the result of low-frequency sound waves that are trapped inside buildings.  These waves can be triggered by nothing more than a slight wind passing over walls and, of course, cannot be heard by human ears. Tests show that they have an effect on the human body in that they cause uncomfortable "feelings" and vision problems.

A guy at a university in London found out first hand about this when he was alone one night in a lab. He had been told the building was "hannted" but claimed he did not believe it. He reported that night that he was increasingly "uncomfortable" , cold and feeling depressed and that he felt he was being "watched". He claimed he saw a shadowy figure in his peripheral vision. He said it moved and disappeared and, of course, he was terrified and left.  Turns out, this guy was a fencing enthusiast and, when he returned the next day, he found he had left a sword blade clamped in a vice and had forgotten it. It was vibrating frantically, causing a low-frequency wave that filled the lab. Tests showed the wave increased in intensity near his desk. Apaprently, a newly installed fan was causing the sword to vibrate.

It turns out that these low-frequency sounds affect the temporal lobe of the human brain, causing one to get the feelings of depression or that someone is watching them or many other feelings people report and assign to "ghosts". You see, there are explanations for things, IF one is willing to actually look for the scientific facts. All too often, we choose to believe the impossible. 

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Edited at: Saturday, December 13, 2008 1:02:54 PM
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