Ron, yes long time since I have actually been on the board the same time you are, and yes there are many echos on the board tonight.
Do you work outside in this mess of weather? I would be so hating life! I even have a space heater under my desk at work because I get so cold.
46, is just going to feel like spring. I wont get too spoiled though it's a very temporary state. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:59:35 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
Hi there, all the threads have echos except this one...must be too cold to type lol...tomorrow should be in mid 30's, it'ss feel like August to's all the dam layers I have to put on...need a different line of work are you doing?? Been a while since I've chatted with you...
spapad wrote:
Good evening Ron!
Are you still freezing your toes off? I have a special treat tomorrow! 46°! HA!!