Yes, there is a beauty to it! Now if they can just put heat in light weight tanks? An Ipod would be an added plus! But not too loud or you could get run over by, I don't know, a forklift? Ouch! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:29:12 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
A deep sea outfit, you might have something there, the hose could pump in hot air and ********** and maybe we could get some music chiming in as well!!!!
spapad wrote:
I my God, I would have to have some kind of "Deep Sea" outfit. Instead of a hose pumping air in, a hose pumping heat in! And Heat has air! That is a great idea! Well,............. minus the hose part! LOL
ronhartsell wrote:
I don't technically work outside, but I load and unload trucks that back up to the bay doors and they ARE outside, NO heat for me in the back of the trucks...more like hot/cold/hot/cold...
spapad wrote:
Ron, yes long time since I have actually been on the board the same time you are, and yes there are many echos on the board tonight.
Do you work outside in this mess of weather? I would be so hating life! I even have a space heater under my desk at work because I get so cold.
46, is just going to feel like spring. I wont get too spoiled though it's a very temporary state.
ronhartsell wrote:
Hi there, all the threads have echos except this one...must be too cold to type lol...tomorrow should be in mid 30's, it'ss feel like August to's all the dam layers I have to put on...need a different line of work are you doing?? Been a while since I've chatted with you...
spapad wrote:
Good evening Ron!
Are you still freezing your toes off? I have a special treat tomorrow! 46°! HA!!