you will never get people to just post in the way you want on the net. some dont folow direction, others dont read direction. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Cobras-Aura from Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:58:39 AM)
Cobras-Aura wrote:
I'm not upset man, just kinda wondering why anyone who doesn't want this tour is posting in here. This was clearly marked as a petition of votes of how many people wanna see this. Not how many people don't want it. Almost everybody missed the point here.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I say "NO" for a Nostradamus tour petition. Don't get upset,remember...all of us have different opinions of this band. I am already "ready" for a new album by Judas Priest and hoping it will be a return to thier original style what fans expect from them..."Judas Priest"...not "experimental".