But you are in Virginny!! I though everyone could play the washtub bass there. Oh wait, that is West Virginny! HAAAA!!!!
Well, I can't play guitar very well either so I guess that the full force of this new powerband is going to have to rest with the vocal and drum section... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, April 18, 2009 12:36:06 AM)
spapad wrote:
Guid you know I got boo'd out of practice Guitar Hero, I can play nothing. All I can do it headbang, and Scream at the top of my lungs! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
Hey, paor on vocals, Becks on drums and me on guitar! Perfect combination!!
Spa, what can you play? Jew's harp? Washtub bass? LOL!!!