I will do that. I just hurt right now. I fear for him. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Saturday, April 25, 2009 1:36:13 PM)
Phantom A6 wrote:
I know sweetie. All you can do (and that's a lot) is to be there for him, in your thoughts too. Show him your love and how much you need him.
spapad wrote:
Thank you Michael! I just want him to be better, he was just fine yesterday! It just came on him all of a sudden. He called Flora last night to plan to go have dinner with his older grandchildren at Virginia Tech today. Very suprsing.
Phantom A6 wrote:
Hi sweetie, big hugs from me for you too.
spapad wrote:
Hi Koen, my adventures for the day have ground to a halt. My father is in hospital with what appears to be, after hours being there, a small intestinal blockage. He will be held there till Tomorrow or Monday depending on how long it takes to completely empty his intestines. He will have surgery.
I wouldn't be so worried, except for the fact he had colorectal cancer about ten years ago, and now I'm scared. Nothing I can do, but wait.
ShadowVT wrote:
hellow Spapad xxxXXXXxxxx big hug
spapad wrote:
Anyone in right now? I could really use a friend to talk to.