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TOPIC: Something pissing you off? Say it in here..
[_strat_] Monday, May 25, 2009 11:35:25 AM 
And whos in charge of NATO? And even if NATO was the world police, would that be any better? Who gives the right to the US (or NATO) to be the world police?

Now, innocent victims, there are plenty, and on both sides. What strikes me as incredibly hiporytic is that western victims are obviously worth more. September the 11th, how many people died? 3000? Compared to the casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan thats not very much. Compared to the 60 years of oppresion and suffering of the Palestinians, its just a joke. Yet, no one ever thought of starting a "war on Israel" (save its Arab neighbours) over it.

And of course... Yes the world knows your polcies and what happens if we violate them. Again, who gave you the right to set them?
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