Just 1 more thing to make a gal drool
like Sidney Crosby--Triple H--Keanu Reeves etc etc etc [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, June 10, 2009 6:53:50 AM)
ronhartsell wrote:
Deliscious...especially if you warm the muffin up a little before you eat it...the PB just melts...
pip wrote:
I think you'd best be opening the brand new jar-- I love my peanut butter !!
wonder what peanut butter & blueberry muffins would taste like together ??
ronhartsell wrote:
Have what's left in one jar and a brand spankin' new one waiting in the wings...
pip wrote:
do ya have peanut butter left ??
ronhartsell wrote:
Actually, I do have 2 left, come on over and help yourself...
pip wrote:
Ron--do ya have any blueberry muffins left or did you scarf them all down ??