[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:51:28 PM
really??? never been caught do they think he may re-surfaced after all these years again??
Thats interesting... Kinda like the Zodiac killer... He sent them a letter not to long ago, ( the police) .. So they know hes still alive, but have never really caught him either,
Currently 18 active serial killer in the USA right now..
I thought it may have been him, MG, but it's not, it's a dude who has never been caught.
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
HI LADY B!!!!! Me too,,,
Hey becks... was that Richard Rimerez, the night stalker right.. ?? I think there were 2 serial killers at one time committing almost the same crime as him.. 2 were actually brothers, then there was richard?