You know, when this idiot rush started a few months ago, I thought it was amusing. It still is sometimes. But now, its just... Well, lame. In any case, as far as this guy is concerned, we know who he is, and he wont be able to cause any real trouble outside the board anymore. See the "something making you super happy" thread to see what I mean.
As for Phantom, I dont know. Probably watching the evening news right now, like me.
paorcamp wrote:
some day that kind of foolishness will cause us tragic trouble...
now, where's phantom?? I think he's the one in charge of kicking people's ass in those cases...this is not the first thread I see infected with than silly virus...
_strat_ wrote:
I think someone wants a drink. But the gesture to get a waiter to come over is just... Well, uncorrect.