Thanks MG *hugs* I wish there was any talking to him. They've already been moved from my bedroom to the garage and his whole problem is an issue of sawdust and the fact that didn't pick up very piece including off the newspaper the rabbit's cage is sitting on. I tell you it's pathetic. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Friday, June 19, 2009 7:56:39 AM)
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
Good Morn everyone TGIF......... PHeeeeeeeeewww this has been along week.
Blackshadow,, I talk to you... Is there any way you can Talk to him and come to a conclusion and try a diff approach with the bunnies,, Like a diff style housing area, for a while...
OMG Phantom Cheesecake ..... yummy..
Well Iam glad there is some sanity back on the board.. !!