So you want the commemorative issue of the Superbowl champs --The Pittsburgh Steelers ??---lol
Touchdown !!
ronhartsell wrote:
Thanks, Pip...but there's only one issue of that magazine that I would enjoy (ahem) reading, and that's not the one, my dear!!
pip wrote:
so does that mean you want me to pick you up a copy of Sports Illustrated commemorative issue of the Stanley Cup champs ??
who won the Stanley Cup this year you ask ??---why my beloved Penguins that's who !!
ronhartsell wrote:
Pip, you know we've got to give you a hard time!! That's a part of winning!!
pip wrote:
I know Soy--Ron--Guido & Darth painkiller are ready to kick my a** for piping up on a daily basis about my Beloved PENGUINS but I just picked up the new Sports Illustrated --a commemorative of the 2009 Stanley Cup champs--my beloved Penguins--80 pages of Penguins--Penguins & more Penguins
does anyone want me to pick them up a copy ??