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TOPIC: ++++ The Priest Cafe ++++
[joedraper] Sunday, June 21, 2009 12:53:59 PM 
Geez, that must be so harsh on you, having lost both of them. 
Isn't it amazing how nothing ever takes away your emotions when you think of your parents not being there anymore? I know exactly what you mean when you say you remember everything about that day. Like it has been frozen in time.
Well, as I've gotten older, I like to think that if he had gotten help for his illness that he would have been a different person. To everyone outside the immediate family, he was the best guy out. The most loyal and best friend a person could have.  I try to remind myself that he was ill. 

If I could, I'd give you a huge big hug and say just talk to me about every good thing you can remember about him. I do that, try to remember the good and you can still talk to him, tell him how much you appreciate and miss him. I believe that they do hear us. 

Your parents did an outstanding job bringing up such a strong woman like you!
You have surely made both of them proud.


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