Hey...thanks Hellrider man.........yeah my mother was very sick she had "emphysema".....a condition from smoking ....as she smoked cigaretts for years.....she quit(too late)in 1988.
But the disease as it works continued on and basically she slowly suffocated to death. I watched her suffer every night for years.......about the last 6- to 7 years she was the worst...
It was very heart breaking to watch to tell you the truth even though it was self inflicted as she was the one who decided to smoke......but it didn't make it any easier ya know?
But the good thing is .....and I know this sounds morbid....but the good thing is that she finally died and was put out of her misery. I never really had time to grieve during her sickness
as I guess I was too busy. But it hit me about 6 months after she died. And yes....she would be very proud of me for me quitting drinking.
hey J.D yeah i remember you mentioning about your mother a while back again i would like to express my deepest sympathy to you and your family.well im sure she would be very happy and proud of you for quiting drinking.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man...the last drink...well..... the last several of drinks I had was "the day my mother died"(August 30,2007....R.I.P.)
Ever since.....I have not had a sip and I don't plan on ever having one again. Its just not my thing and not for me.
But I am sometimes around people that get to wasted and they end up fucking my whole night up and I'm sick of it.
Yeah Hellrider....I'm with you man...if I want to get ripped out of my mind I will crank up Judas Priest!!!!!!
And to Al-Fons.....thats too bad to hear about your father and I hope that you are not in a battle with alchohol. (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:05:30 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
HELL YEAH J.D DIAMOND THY COOOMMMMMMAAAANNNNDDDDEEEERRRR.congradulation man thats great.i dont drink either.if i want to get riped out of my skull i will just crank up some JUDAS PRIEST HEAVY MEEEETTTTTT TTTTAAAALLLLLL
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
"ALCOHOLISM". I am fucking sick and fucking tired of "drunks".....people getting "fucked up" that can't handle it.
If you want to ruin your life,......go ahead...just leave me the fuck out of it. I'm so tired of people that drink.....
J.D. hasn't had a drink in over 2 years now and I don't EVER plan on having one for the rest of my life.