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TOPIC: How long have you been a Priest fan?
[caronctm] Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:01:41 AM 
I've been a fan since my high school days. That would be the early eighties. But I didn't realize that I was a metal fan until much later. I was never much into catagorizing what I like(d). Then I kind of went off and explored other genres of music. When I met my fiance four years ago, I had little choice but to become re-emerced in Priest  because his favorite band was Judas Priest and his favorite singer was Rob Halford. He could sing and do the screams like Halford, and with his bald head he kind of looked like him too. 

                                  R.I.P.    Michael     June 9th, 2008     I love and miss you.
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