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TOPIC: ++++ The Priest Cafe ++++
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:13:15 PM 
No but I do think (hope) that someone called the police! HAAAA!!! Like I said, I walked all the way down the drive in my pjs / shorts with a flashlight and even somewhat up the road so I could get a better look at the sky in all directions. About the time Calvin started his "let me in bark" (he was stuck back at the house because of the electric fence) and I made my way back up the drive, a car came pulling around slowly into a cul-de-sac behind my house where there is only one house. Hmm...odd as it was after 1am. Stayed there for a few minutes then pulled around to another closed subdivision to the side of me, pulled with their headlights facing my house for a few minutes and then slowly pulled away. Couldn't see the car but I HOPE it was the police looking for some lunatic walking around with a flashlight in his jammies! LOL!
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