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TOPIC: How long have you been a Priest fan?
[LadyRider] Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:23:22 AM 
New here, so hello to all you fellow Judas Priest fans. Fell in love with Judas Priest when a band I hung around with in NZ did a cover version of Metal Gods. That was about twenty years ago, needless to say Metal Gods is still my all time favourite Priest song and always will be. From memory I started listening to them when Turbo was released but many of my friends had their older albums so I got to listen to a lot of their music and the love affair grew. I admit to not being overly interested during The Ripper years since Rob Halford's vocals is a big part of the attraction and I couldn't get used to the idea of him not being there. Biased I know so please feel free to inform me if I am missing out. I may or may not do anything about it. For me, JP are still the best metal band ever. Unfortunately missed seeing them when they were in Australia in 2008 due to major changes in life, so desperately hope they return.
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