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TOPIC: Social Issues and Politics
[Becks] Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:06:59 AM 
Thanks for the input Guido, it's very interesting to read it's sad to hear about how few people can really afford what they need health care wise. Pharmaceutical company wise, the only advertisments we ever see are for Cialis or Viagra, and the occasional pain medication. It's very very rare to see any advertisements on the television or in magazines for medicines. It sounds like due to the large scale of advertising by the companies there, the taxes that should go towards better health care etc are going to these companies to flout their wares so to speak. That's sad. I know what you mean by top heavy goverment when it comes to healthcare - we have what are called District Health boards, and there is a ridiculous number of them for such a small country. They are too top heavy, too many people trying to run everything and things get stuffed up. Example, the childrens oncology department at Wellington Hospital (our capital city) has had to close (temporarily) due to their speicialists leaving as the DHB has no idea about retaining them or running the department (and other departments truth be told) - they are too concerned with their pay packets and other things that Joe Public really doesn't care about in the scheme of things. That's the worse case thing here at the moment.
Again, thanks for the input! Very interesting to read
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