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TOPIC: Why all the web police?
[Budred] Friday, January 29, 2010 11:28:21 PM 

You guys got me freakin' rollingLove the cowbell, Gotta watch the rest of them. Hopefully I'll learn to put stuff up.
                   I'm a newbie. I tried to be a rebel, thought I could wait the computer out. Well I bought a computer about 7 months ago.
                   basically learning by myself. That's going well!(LOL) I went to Hellyeah and that went well. Then I went to Lastfm 
                   and that went well. So I figured what better place than a Priest site and wow did that not go so well. Anyway. I should be 
                   able to correct that (or deep will). Take care, I gotta check these videos out. Peace


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