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TOPIC: Judas Priest vs. Iron Maiden
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:42:53 PM 
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the!
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