Ha Ha, sorry nothing cooking but something is always cooking over here on my end........ As for me lately, just been doing some refurbishing of my brother Mike's home while I've been out of work...... Making a few bucks as I go, it sure helps out....... Some really good news regarding me since I've been layed off, it took a while but I'm receiving my most important "Meds" which are of course my rejection meds, "For Free" thru programs that are out there. You just have to do the research. It took a while but I'm receiving a years worth, until I find a job. Which is a blessing, when you have "No Medical Coverage"......... Oh and I'm going to FL. for Memorial Day Weekend to see my sis Kathy & my bro Paulie!!!!!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Nothing's cooking so far...just waiting for the week to end. How's about you? Anything new??
DEN1673 wrote: |
Oh shit, sorry Val,.,,,,,,, Was posting elsewhere!!!!! What's cooking sweetie???? Talk to me!!!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Hey Den!! Greetings from the West Coast!!!
DEN1673 wrote: |
What's up from the East Coast!!!!!! Much Love people!!! |