[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, September 09, 2010 10:12:36 PM
PK87. I have seen from your training and hard work that you are indeed a formidable warrior. I am offering you the opportunity to fight for the Kmacian Crown. As a reward, you shall receive a new weapon:
a farting calf.
My farting cow gave birth to her some time ago, and after rigorous training and a strict diet of bean burritos and Sir Guitardude's bad cooking, she has become a flatulating bovine monster capable of downing thousands of armies with her stench. Should you accept, she could be a vital addition to your already effective arsenal of weapons and tricks.
Hmm war? And here I thought all seemed peaceful with just the sneaky infidel running around. If anyone wants to hire my services and a secret weapon, let me know.....I will hide in the shadows and wait for the highest bidder to whoever wants the help more......