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TOPIC: Halford (CD) "Made of Metal"
[Budred] Tuesday, October 05, 2010 5:56:25 AM 
I've been kind of negative towards this album so I've decided to go the other way.
1. "The Mower"   ...freakin' badass heavy metal it
2. "Til The Day I Die" the the vocal the lyrics...may become my favorite
                                          song on the album
3. "Speed of Sound" and the vocal style...very good song
4. "Hell Razor"  ...Very good song...i like it
5. "25 Years" ...if i would stop hearing Silent Screams i could love this song...we'll see
6. "Made of Metal" ...if it weren't for the lyrics...maybe i'll get past that...good song otherwise 

The rest will require more listening. If I come up with anything positive I'll post it.
Lastly, everyone has to make up their own mind, don't let it be done by others. Oh yeah', buy it, don't steal it.(LOL)(Seriously)


Edited at: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 6:01:34 AM
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