After saying that I found some footage of Sabbath playing in sunny California with rainbows and flowers and gay looking outfits, Ozzy is dressed like a pixie hahahaha. Awesome rendition of War Pigs though.
There would have been a few people out there who shit themselves when they first heard it. Saw an interview with Ozzy ages ago where he was talking about their image and music back when the band first started. He said that at the time everyone was into peace and love and going to San Fransisco and wearing flowers in their hair and all that shit and how growing up in working class, cold, rainy, industrial Birmingham they had no idea what they were on about. When they started the band they kind of went all anti that image and sang about loss and desperation, black magic, madness and armageddon, stuff they knew about. fuckin funny. Good guys.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah this is THE album that started it all,no other band..Deep Purple,Uriah Heep,Black Widow,Pentagram came close to a heavy metal album at this time. The 1960's came to a comes 1970 while other bands were still in the 60's groove here comes the debut album 'Black Sabbath"! This would of been a "black metal" album if the tearm black metal were alive in 1970 lol true. This album would be the bad ass most underground satanic album and satanic sounding album you could find at this time. I bet people tripped out on this shit...the year I was born.
jimmyjames wrote:
Warning from the Black Sabbaths self titled debut album. The album that created Heavy Metal.