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TOPIC: KK Downing Has Retired
[Budred] Tuesday, April 26, 2011 6:06:49 PM 
I'm sorry man but I'm lost. I read my post and then seareched for your's to see
if it was a response to you. I don't think that was an angry post and I couldn't find your's
so if you interpreted that as angry it was not directed at you.  I was saying that I lost interest
in caring about the split but if people felt the need to know I believe Priest does owe an
explanation. I'll buy the album and I'll go to the show and I'll base how I feel on that. If
it sucks(cd) I'll stop buying their music. (I'll steal it.) If the show isn't up to par then I'll have
seen my last Priest concert. It's that simple. I still love them and hold no animosity towards K.K..
I have posted on this 4 or 5 times and I (think) in every one I wished him the best.
Take care man. Peace!

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