[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, May 02, 2011 10:33:55 PM
That is what I heard this morning on the news before going to work, but it totally makes sense as to why we did what we did. Of course we don't want to make ourselves a bigger target by bringing him to the U.S. or doing what many have suggested we do. It's better this way. Don't make him a bigger martyr than he already will be to those nut job followers he has! And Spa, I'm sure things were done to him on that ship prior to his ass being tossed into his watery grave, I just hope there isn't any video or pictures that get out. It's good to know that eventually JUSTICE is served!!
Had some dumbass call our lab today to ask how long it takes to run a DNA test because he needed to know how long Bin Laden has been dead. Sorry buddy, we don't run those kind of DNA tests. Now I could tell you if he had gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes though....
Now THERE is some useful info! Thanks, HRMG! Been watching various news stations since I got home and nobody mentioned that little detail. Makes sense.
By Islamic religion, the body must be buried within 24 hours of death and must be returned to the family. Since the parents live in Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia wanted NOTHING to do with Bin Laden's body, it was buried at sea within 24 hours after death. They ran a DNA test to confirm his identity.
tasnam1 wrote:
Budred - thought the same thing!!!
Seems very quick to despose of body right away.
Budred wrote:
Just woke to news that "Bin Laden" was killed last night in Pakistan. Then I saw they claimed to have dumped his body
at sea. I can hear the conspiracy theories already. Pictures can be faked so it will be interesting to see how they prove it.