[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, June 11, 2012 10:16:57 PM
I waited for a "sale" to buy ours way back when, but they sure weren't $10. They were $10 off NOT $10 each!! We got the boys a couple shirts. Eric's friends at school thought they were really cool and wanted to know where they could get one!
I'll take any of Rob's coats, I'm not picky. I think they all kick ass! Think he'd make us a deal?
Mark came home with 2 British Steel seat covers for the car!!! Now it's a Priest car inside and out
Damn, are they having a clearinghouse sale over at the Metal God Shop or what?!? $10 per shirt?!? I don't know whether I should be pissed that I bought so many at full price, that I bought more (incluing doubles) when they dropped to about $20, or jump in and buy a THIRD backup at that price! You never know when the first two might be devoured by a washing machine or something.....
If "everything must go," Rob, please sell me your Crucible jacket.