I put my "Vengeance" vote in today and I must say that I'm quite happy. As wrong as it is I'll say it to the world
or at least you guys, I still hate Republicans because of George Bush and vowed to myself that I would never vote
Republican again. I hate Fox News also and the way they divide this country. "Fair and Balanced" Are you kidding me?
After saying that I also have to say that I agree with Guido about our "Great" system. Even though it would mean I wouldn't
be so happy they must get rid of the electoral college. It just doesn't seem fair and aren't we the only ones using this system.
Lastly my hope for this Country is that the freakin' politicians actually start working together. "Bi-freakin- partisonship"
can get this country back on track. As bad as I hate Republicans, they hate Democrats the same. This has to change.
It's almost like civil war the way we carry on. I liked this Country better before Bush and Fox News and I've voted both ways over
the last 28 years and in my opinion it was never as bitter between the two as it has been since the two mentioned above.
Let's hope for a better future. Peace!
A very presidential Tuesday at that! I hope all you good US citizens followed my lead and voted for Gary Coleman. Like most, MY state doesn't matter anyway! Whatta system, whatta system....