[The Metallian] Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:14:34 PM
I always buy CD's,i cannot stand to download it!
I love the whole experience of the cd,booklet,artwork and all that comes with it!
We had a record store here that i use to buy all my cds at and the guy that ran it said i was very rare person cause i still liked to buy cds!
He said ppl rather download stuff off the net etc etc!
Plus i am an album listener not a song,so i listen to albums as a whole from track 1 to the last track!
And i still listen to my cd discmann with me skullcandy headphones!
The only time i use mp3 player is workin out,going for a walk,travelling or riding the bus!
My friends laugh at me cause i don't have an ipod and all that other techie shit that the public seems to enjoy!
Fuck that shit,i'm old school!
Cheers everydbody!
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