That is gold, not platinum, Vodka. It even says so on the label: "RIAA Certified GOLD."
I have British Steel as well.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Tania2194AD from Monday, February 25, 2013 5:07:30 AM)
Tania2194AD wrote: |
you are welcome mr.hamburger
thanks for your post(about jp disc) and for the link....
you have only one platinum disc or more?
yeah i have seen at nearest music store one platinum disc of Ozzy (blizzard of ozz) and JP (British Steel)
these things are very expensive..yeah
guidogodoy wrote: |
Well thank you for a response, Vodka. While it got horrible reviews here, I appreciate the suggestion. Reviews aren't always right.
As you are playing nice, I'll share one of my first vinyl posts ever. Sorry for the repeat, old-timers.

Tania2194AD wrote: |
John adventure film |
Edited at: Monday, February 25, 2013 10:21:28 PM |