Shall I send you a few? That goes for you too, Becks. Don't know how legal it would be sending live insects through the mail but, hey, they probably won't be live when they get there. I could mark them as "gift!"
As for the count? 1pm here, just logged on to 90 messages with 5 non-blocked. HELP US MURRAY!!! Go back to FaceBook Trixi! Obviously, we aren't worthy of you and your supreme fanaticism (heh) here!
Of course I had to read what HB responded to when he asked for your ignore and I really liked the "WE wrote the webmaster already...." Me, myself and I already? In all my years here, I have never known that there was the possibility to collaborate in a PM.
I dont think we get them in this part of the world either. seen vids of them, but no actual bugs
Becks wrote:
Oooh I've never seen a lightning bug, sounds pretty! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Only 143 new messages with what five being from people you actually give two cents about. I think that's might be an improvement? I thought mindlessness was up much higher than that.
On the lighter side of stuff: Does anyone else have a canine that lives to chase lightening bugs each evening and has to be physically brought in for the night because she does not wan't to leaver her post as official "bug zapper". Cray ass Lucy.
guidogodoy wrote:
Not a bad idea. Just logged on for the day and 143 posts with FIVE being from Froot Loops.
To paraphrase Pink Floyd: "I got 143 channels of shit on the webpage to choose from...choose from .... choose from...."
Head banger wrote:
All. after todays enslaught I have ignored the rob halford topic. if you think there is something there I should see, you can copy and paste it to another thread