HB, after the yearly chunk the IRS just bit out of my ass, I am willing to try the across the border, double dependent claim!!!
I am certainly not the person to ask about what the standard deduction on a kid is but I think it is double the standard deduction = $6000 or so.
Hey, all I know is that I can't ever make it close to an "itimized" return. Standard deduction is all I get meaning that I always pay up the ass. CURSE YOU AND A POX ON THEE __________ !!!! (fill in the blank...Reagan, Bush, Obama, the Senate, Enron, Santa Claus...).
Head banger wrote:
guido, think the IRS and CRA would get together and notice a double claim on my 3 kids?
What do you get for a dependant claim there? here its 2 grand per kid off your income. roughly.