Yeah that's what we do here, you file a personal tax summary but you don't have to do any calculations yourself, the IRD does it - if you get a refund, yay! If you owe, boo.
we have deductions every cheque also, but you have to file to see if they got that right or not. you either owe, or get refund.... usualy I owe
Becks wrote:
Tax time sounnds like a real nuisance. The tax year finished here March 31st, thankfully most individuals don't file tax returns, it's taken from your pay (PAYE - pay as you earn) before you even see it. You can file a personal tax summary which Inland Revenue calculate and often you get a tax refund from paying too much tax, which is nice lol. I had to file tax returns when I was self employed and hated it!
guidogodoy wrote:
Uck-fe. e-may. Tax time in the US. Just filed.
I know I should have asked earlier but could anyone loan me a dependent (aka. write-off) or three?