Hi everyone,
Just got back from hospital after a hell periode
surgery is done and had a lot of complications
the cancer in my bowel system has totaly been removed
Twice i went thru the eye of the needle
first time was after the surgery, at the point where they stitch my bowel a leak occured witch was poisening my body on the inside
witch lead to high fevers and more but they attacked it with heavy antibiotics and slowly i recuperated
the second time i went thru the i of the needle was actually confirmed on the bowelfat they removed with the tumor in the bowel
according to test they found two more colonies of evil cells ready to explode into my body
and that would have infected all my organs then it would have been game over within a couple of weeks
but after four weeks of heavy battle in hospital i'm back
the first biggest fight is over
now we still have to take care of the liver and lung tumor
They can slice and dice 'm but Shadow keeps coming back
just real glad to be back