[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, March 25, 2015 11:58:46 AM
Came in on this conversation a little late, but what the hell.
NO to the God Damn Tupperware container and NO YOU MAY NOT HAVE IT BACK WHEN I AM DONE WITH IT!!! A CLEAN, laboratory provided specimen container PLEASE!! FFS, I once got a turd in a velvet ring box!! I guess we know what she thought of the ring!
Usually, the patient with an extreme case of Clostridium difficile will find their own donor, but I suppose if we are talking about research cases, then perhaps. The new treatment when all else fails, is to do a fecal transplant so that the donor stools bacteria will take over and the C. difficile will be crowded out. Ask your mom, they had a presentation on it a couple years ago at the ASCLS-Michigan meeting that I went to. Quite a NASTY little bug it is!!
Poop? I can sell my poop? While might be a slight to the band, I produce a lot of it as I am sure many fans doi as well. HAAA!!!
Details, woman, details! Shall I collect petri dishes or is Tupperware or even Ziplock baggies good enough? I would be more than happy to send it ot Jayne!!!!! She really deserves some shit! Curbishley as well.
Mis-handled the greatest band in the world, IMO. I know I speak for many. (ps ed. The band has remained strong despite of it!!!).