[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, July 03, 2015 11:30:11 AM
Oh, we are such silly fans that bands could care less about!! I LOVE this new silly fan thread!! We should post here ALL THE TIME!! And apparently fans with truly higher feelings believe everything they read on Wikipedia about JP. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Did you know that KK's last tour was 2005???? Then who was it that I met in 2009 during the 30th anniversary BS tour in Cleveland and then shook my hand from the stage at Pine Knob the next night and said "Hello again" to me and stared right at me when he sang GRINDER??? Sure as hell looked like KK!!!
Oh, but I'm just a silly fan who knows nothing...........
HAAAAA!!!! NEVER considered Windsor / Detroit ..... until now! I'll think about that one. That bridge is a longer leap than it seems..... still, I'll look into it.
Still, no comparion with the Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love start of Memphis.... (Oh, how I love my new thread with silly friends). Come here in Dec!!!!!
I'm having higher feelings myself tonight!! I still don't think I can do a marathon. Thinking about the half marathon in the D though. Ain't nobody got time to push them in a trolly! Wait, can I dump the trolly over the Ambassador Bridge as I run over it???? Then I may reconsider pushing that trolly!
guidogodoy wrote:
How about higher feelings? Who is going to run the full 26.2 mile marathon with me at St Jude in Memphis? Great cause for child cancer.
This is especially for you fat suckers who coulldn't run a block if pushed in a trolly!
No...I take that back. Being pushed is NOT running. MOVE fatasses. I guarantee that, as a runner and diver, I weigh far less than you. That probably goes for the whole board!