cool I have no dates yet. have to contact my uncle first. you on the south island or north?
Becks wrote:
Nope April is fine! I would recommend March, it will still be pretty warm then. Usually anyway, our weather can be very unpredictable. Winter starts June, and doesn't hit full gear straight away anyways normally. Neat you're coming down this way!!
Head banger wrote:
on the NZ subject, when does the winter start to make it so I wont want to be traveling? I am planning a trip to see my Family there, never been. is April getting too late?
Becks wrote:
NZ! I am biast haha.
I was gobsmacked watching the results the other night. Trump looked rather gobsmacked too I find him repulsive, I would have voted HRC no problems and in a heart beat if I was American. But I'm not, so I just sit back and go WTF at it all.
guidogodoy wrote:
As I've said via PM to many, we were given a la' South Park - Giant Douche vs. Shit Sandwich. YOU choose.
Luckily, I live in a "nonsense" state that would be red no matter what..didn't count. Notice that none in the "rust belt" were protesting last night?" Nobody who lost their jobs in the outsourcing in Detroit? What I saw last night was a bunch of white, young folks in high-income people bitching. Am I happy? No. Wouldn't have been happy either way. Our political system sucks!
I am still weighing NZ vs Canada.
spapad wrote:
OK, I know I shouldn't bring it up but I'm going to. I really didn't want to live in Trumpland U.S.S.A. REALLY didn't. I will never call that foul orange beast the leader of the U.S.A. I'm just so replused by what that says about America. Which are we more of in this county? sexist scum or racist scum? because the idiot never really put for much of a policy platform to speak of so that only leaves hate as the deciding factor. That's beyond sad.