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Only for really true fans with higher feelings
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This side is for fans who really love everything about Judas Priest and Rob Halford!

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[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 04, 2015 1:43:45 PM 
A very Happy 4th to you and all here as well, my friend.

64 messages and it isn't even 1:30pm here today?!? Trixi, I browsed through your messages and you go from thanking me to dropping more f-bombs and, again, going back to saying how horny you are...frankly, we don't care. You then go from thanking me to saying that I believe myself to be a god (sorry, I don't live in a polytheistic culture....lower case "g"). You were almost human yesterday and BAM, you flip again. As HRMG stated, if we all had a penny for every fool who said that they were going to leave this site yet stay on until they are banned, we'd all be rich. False promise (/ threat?) on your part that, of course, nobody believed. Indeed, you proved it wrong with another tirade of 20+ messages. Wrong thread as well. That is why I am back here. That thread had a specific purpose as indicated in the title and I find it to be of extreme disrespect to the band to continue to "vent" over there.

Yesterday, even Vail was trying to help you consider that perhaps (right, as all but you seem to see the truth) that you are walking into a big mistake again in becoming so emotionally tied to someone who won't communicate with you anyplace else but here. Again, you were almost human yesterday but I drop in today to see you attacking her as well. As they say, you make your own bed and you'll have to sleep in it. I guarantee, it WON'T be with Snot.  

Yup, you and that idiot do deserve one another. I truly believe that you are bi-polar and are in serious need of psychological help. I hope that you find some soon - for the sake of your son at least. I see that you are going back on ignore again soon.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 04, 2015 10:38:48 AM)
[666ozzypriest666] Saturday, July 04, 2015 11:05:53 AM 
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, July 04, 2015 10:38:48 AM 

[666ozzypriest666] Saturday, July 04, 2015 9:02:56 AM 
I cannot hold my emotions back, I have cried a lot about Boogie... it seems you want to bring me all part from him to bring me on your side and him away, but why?
[666ozzypriest666] Saturday, July 04, 2015 5:50:31 AM 
no more tears......
[666ozzypriest666] Saturday, July 04, 2015 4:48:25 AM 
this I know: his friends are/was Tania, Jerry, my old account Trixi and my new account ozzy
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:27:29 AM 
Look at Snot's posts. All bets are off and he is back on ignore. Trix, you were almost human today but if you think that fool has four friends here? I guarantee that three are him with different names assuming you were the fourth.

His latest posts are a typical bait troll. Been around for ages here and hell if I have time to waste on that loser. You should REALLY pay attention. Proof! Someone who is such an ass online is "too shy" to speak with you?! Riiiiight. Wake up. You are being manipulated by a troll with nothing better to do.  
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:23:01 AM 
 Oh yeah...and please don't post a picture to prove it........fartman

[i flick my boogers] Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:18:35 AM 
 Your idea of a marathon is probably getting up and runnin to the kitchen to eat something....haaaaaa
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:15:51 AM 
 I thought you were a kid......haaaaa
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:04:02 AM 
Yeah, right. Never heard of it with me here all these years. I believe that as much as I believe that Trixi will give up her Snot. <==sorry to break my promise but he is TROLL!!

How about the opening for further seasons? They always change. This isn't the actual opening but 1million hits?!? Holy crap! Wish they had the Venture Brothers scene to go along with it.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Friday, July 03, 2015 11:15:18 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 11:49:53 PM 
Funny Snot should mention Michael Shenker. HE was one to give a standing applause to John 5 on That Metal Show! What a dumbass!

Yeah, YOU know musc....surrrrrrrre. Tell it to a kid who might believe you.
[Vaillant 3.0] Friday, July 03, 2015 11:15:18 PM 
Huh. Never heard of that show. Looks pretty good.

I should check it out sometime.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, July 03, 2015 11:07:09 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 11:07:09 PM 

[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 10:53:23 PM 
I like Snot who didn't even know who John 5 was before a few posts to educate him. No face paint on Warren DeMartini? Well, he was an inferior guitarist when compared with the talent of John 5.
John grew up in the shadow of Alice and is humble. Doesn't WANT to be recognized on the street. Read or watch an interview with him sometime. Oh yeah, you didn't even know who he was before yesterday although he has been praised on That Metal Show by some of the greats at least 5 times now.

Show me some mags where Warren was on the cover! Nothing against RATT but the S&M smut you own can be eliminated.

Edited at: Friday, July 03, 2015 10:57:51 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, July 03, 2015 10:50:32 PM 
I want to see your BIG BOUNCY BALLS!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, July 03, 2015 10:44:06 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 10:44:06 PM 
I have feelings for big bouncy balls!

Don't deny me, Snot!!!!  BTW, my real name is Larry Tate.

[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 7:57:23 PM 
Not even my eyeball.

[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 7:47:08 PM 
Heh...NOTHING ever dies in cyberspace!!! My hair is actually quite longer now.

[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 7:35:16 PM 
Hmmmmm....did I prove you wrong today?

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by 666ozzypriest666 from Friday, July 03, 2015 5:21:35 PM)
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 7:11:57 PM
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 5:21:35 PM 
I know Alice comes from Detroit, he isn�t my new hero, I am a fan of him since 1989, since his Trash album, I haven�t said that all Americans are rich, there are many poor ones too, but there are a lot I guess which are so arrogant like you, I am trying to conversate with you in a normal way and you aren�t able to write to me in a serious way.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, July 03, 2015 4:06:05 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 4:08:31 PM 
Did you pass High School? Hmmmm.....perhaps. University? No. Very obvious.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by 666ozzypriest666 from Friday, July 03, 2015 3:57:34 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 4:06:05 PM 
Where did you think your new hero, Alice, was from? England? France?

Yeah, all Americans are rich too, right? Perhaps in your little mind. Face reality. You are really out of your depth with those on this board both in terms of knowledge (I speak four languages + English) as well as experience in travel (ever HEARD a song from Brazil? How about Cuba? How about Guatemala? Hell, how about México? Spain? France?

The more you type, the dumber you sound. Think before you write. Your sentences, like the one I just pointed out, don't even have verbs. I know many who have studied and continue at the University of Braunschweig where I have many a colleague. None are as dumb-sounding or as ignorant as you. Guaranteed. Much more pleasant people as well.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by 666ozzypriest666 from Friday, July 03, 2015 3:55:35 PM)
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 4:01:05 PM 
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 3:59:03 PM 
my son gives a shite what I do in the net.... you think everyone has to do what you say - wrong thought!
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 3:57:34 PM 
Ozzy doesn�t need it - I don�t need it too.. is this a correct English? Do ya understand that? Try to write in German - you will see it isn�t easy!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, July 03, 2015 2:40:44 PM)
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 3:55:35 PM 
I do not know what is going on in America all the time... it is too far away, I know only that Alice Cooper is on tour cause I saw him live a few days ago.... some go only on tour through America so it is for me out of sight.
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 3:49:20 PM 
Oh, damn my eyes, I just HAD to look in at the response. Not from the US? Ok, so you are from England as you obviously have heard of Judas Priest? Ozzy? No wait, you know Alice Cooper who is from my hometown of Detroit, USA? Your logic does not hold water. Your brain synapses are not firing properly. Seek help! You really need it as everyone but you can see.

I have met Doro? I have meet all of old Accept (with Udo). I have seen a small band known as the Scorps a few times and even remember that chata, Nena, from the '80s. 99 Luftballons. HAAAAAAA!!!! What knowledge and I have never even visited Germany. Odd thing.
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 2:44:17 PM 
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 2:40:44 PM 
A vid I am sure you don't know or even who is playing without a Wiki search. Yet Ozzy is there. You need it:

[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 2:34:33 PM 
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 2:32:43 PM 
they don�t just poke me on fb, they have sent me naked pics from theirselves, it has never ment for me something, they wanna meet me and marry me a lot of these men, I was not a long time on fb anymore cause I want only my love!
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 2:11:28 PM 
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 2:10:44 PM 
I don�t like men from the south, I hate them, they want all to fuck me cause they like big girls.. German is the dominating language in Europe.
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:59:16 PM 
Oh yeah, caught another "they're, their, there" error from you, Snot! Correct your OWN English. How about those lessons for your lover, Twat? I saw mistakes in every sentence she wrote! Help her, man. After all, you are the one who was entrusted with the charge. I'd suggest you review your own English grammar yourself.

Twat. Saw that you said that I was a "rasict" [sic] <==yeah, figure out what that means. Hmmmm....Perhaps you didn't know that I am from México but studied for years in Spain? Spend every year both in France (just came back and will be there again in December) and am about off to Brazil. No. ENGLISH is the dominant language of Europe. Mandatory for most Europeans. You are dated. Just came out in the NY Times. German and French are secondary and falling fast. You get your info from Wiki on that one as well? Lo siento. Not true anymore with regard to the EU.
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:51:24 PM 
In that "logoff" to read messages, Twat: John 5 was Rob's lover? Snot: WHO is John 5? HAAAAAA!!!! What fuckin' posers!!!! Neither of you know metal worth shit!!
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:44:25 PM 
HAAAAAA!!!! Perfect call. Any idiot can see the obvious (but twatwaffle....heh....see? Working it into my daily convo). Snot is a troll and found a dumbass to suck into his nonsense.
"Wise Priest fan" - too funny. I agree. Multiple acct troll we had seen years before ol' Trix arrived. Too bad she is so relatively new (and genuinely ignorant) to this site to know.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, July 03, 2015 1:37:22 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:38:52 PM 
I can post where I want 'cause I am CRAAAAAAAZY!!!! Back on ignore you go, twat. I'll laugh at the number of posts that will go unread.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by 666ozzypriest666 from Friday, July 03, 2015 6:13:52 AM)
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:37:22 PM 
Do you really want me to answer that??? I think we all know the answer to that question. Snot knows EXACTLY what he is doing! He more than likely has multiple accounts and we called him out as the troll that he is in one of them. Then he found twit and decided to use her to piss us off my feeding her just enough BS that she actually believes that he has feelings for her. Trolls, both of them.

I'd love to see her picture! Apparently she has many men that went to do her....... Ooooooooooookay. Just cause they "poke" you on FB it doesn't mean anything

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, July 03, 2015 1:23:33 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:37:02 PM 
You've mentioned this many times. I applaud you. You can spread your fat legs and are begged to do so by strangers on FB. What an accomplishment! You deserve a certificate or something.
I hope that your bastard son reads this someday. He'll be proud.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by 666ozzypriest666 from Friday, July 03, 2015 7:58:37 AM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:23:33 PM 
I KNEW it!! Before I had her on ignore, she commented that she was fat and needed to lose weight! HAAAAA!!!! I am a marathon runner, downhill skier and diver! She MUST be a fatty!!! I weigh all of 135lbs soaking wet! I bet she has a face that could scare an "espantapájaros"!

Why can everyone see that Snot is screwing around with her but the person with ONE friend? LOL!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Melissa Kaileigh from Friday, July 03, 2015 7:10:06 AM)
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:15:11 PM 
I am agree with the end of your text you are writing the truth for the first time and Alice Copper was looking on me when he sang Poison... Rob was looking on me on his whole concert wwooooooooww...... that means nothing you idiot!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, July 03, 2015 11:30:11 AM)
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 1:11:36 PM 
I mean K.K. together with the Priest..
[i flick my boogers] Friday, July 03, 2015 11:45:13 AM 
 Hmmmm......I didn't know KK was the singer of the band......I thought it was Rob......haaaaaa !
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, July 03, 2015 11:30:11 AM 
Oh, we are such silly fans that bands could care less about!! I LOVE this new silly fan thread!! We should post here ALL THE TIME!! And apparently fans with truly higher feelings believe everything they read on Wikipedia about JP. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Did you know that KK's last tour was 2005???? Then who was it that I met in 2009 during the 30th anniversary BS tour in  Cleveland and then shook my hand from the stage at Pine Knob the next night and said "Hello again" to me and stared right at me when he sang GRINDER??? Sure as hell looked like KK!!!      
Oh, but I'm just a silly fan who knows nothing...........

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:12:38 PM)
[i flick my boogers] Friday, July 03, 2015 9:42:14 AM 
 hey Trixie, look at all these wannabe fans in here trying to get high like us but can't cut it........what the heck....
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 8:03:50 AM 
-my love is not playing me, he knows how I am.... we have the point of views in everything!  we are going to know each other better and to go closer..     
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Melissa Kaileigh from Friday, July 03, 2015 7:10:06 AM)
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 8:00:06 AM 
- retarted silly girl, by the how old are you?? I guess not older than 4 years old!! HAAAA!!
[666ozzypriest666] Friday, July 03, 2015 7:58:37 AM 
 I have had enough men on fb which have wanted to meet and to fuck me... you will never ever have soo many men in your life which have adored me my silly retared baby!!    
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Melissa Kaileigh from Friday, July 03, 2015 7:10:06 AM)
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