[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:48:34 PM | |
Ron,I'm sorry to hear about your father my friend. Its not easy losing a parent as I along with many others have lost both of mine.My condolences go out to you and your whole family my friend. I'm taking a couple weeks off of work for vacation time and I'm unplugging from the internet to use my computer for recording purposes ect...so I'll be gone for a while,but again my friend,my condolences go out to you and your whole family Ron. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM) |  | ron h wrote: | | Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
[acolyte55] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:21:23 PM | |
all the best to you and yours ron |
[Becks] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:12:44 PM | |
I am so sorry to hear this news Ron. May your dad rest in peace. My condolences to you and your family. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM) |  | ron h wrote: | | Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:07:34 PM | |
Sorry to hear about that, Ron. May your dad rest in peace.  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM) |  | ron h wrote: | | Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
[Head banger] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:44:22 AM | |
My condolances also Ron. best wishes to you and your family. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM) |  | ron h wrote: | | Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 9:08:22 AM | |
I am so sorry Ron. My heart goes out to you and your family. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM) |  | ron h wrote: | | Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 8:49:00 AM | |
Very sorry to hear the news, my friend. My most sincere condolences to you and yours. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM)
ron h wrote: |
Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 8:49:36 AM |
[ron h] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:53:43 AM | |
Good morning my Metal friends!!
I just want to take a moment to let my friends know that my father passed away last night. We brought him home last Friday as he became too weak to endure anymore treatment and his health declined quickly. Fortunately, he was home, medicated and we were with him when his time came. Over the last couple of weeks he got to meet his great-grandkids, he was responsive to this and very happy. I am also greatful that Bev had the opportunity to meet and spend time with him back in March. He had been battling this for 5 years and we're greatful for every minute we had with him. Cancer is a son of a bitch. Dad, I love you!! |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:34:19 AM | |
GREAT memories, ML. I remember seeing RJD and Rainbow in Calif. many, MANY years ago. I was just blown away by the sound of that booming voice coming out of such a tiny man!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!! I just thought that the Laws of Physics were being defied in so many ways! The great thing about him is that he is in that category of vocalist that is unique, like our beloved Rob. You KNOW it is him when you hear him, no matter what the circumstance.
I am sure that, as a vocalist, you have a special affinity for RJD and those that are like him. The "gift" that is his special talent is something that cannot be taught, nor learned. It is something that one cannot buy. A synthesizer cannot replicate it and it is never quite copied by even the best of "tribute" singers. THAT is such an incredible thing. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Metallark from Tuesday, May 18, 2010 5:42:21 AM) |  | Metallark wrote: | | Yes, a somber day indeed to see Ronnie James leave us. But boy did he leave us with something to remember him by. One of my first and most memorable metal concerts was in the late seventies. It was Rainbow opening for someone whose name escapes me. Why? Because Rainbow and this little singer name Ronnie James smoked from start to finish. One of the all time greats! |
[Metallark] Tuesday, May 18, 2010 5:42:21 AM | |
Yes, a somber day indeed to see Ronnie James leave us. But boy did he leave us with something to remember him by. One of my first and most memorable metal concerts was in the late seventies. It was Rainbow opening for someone whose name escapes me. Why? Because Rainbow and this little singer name Ronnie James smoked from start to finish. One of the all time greats! |
[guidogodoy] Monday, May 17, 2010 11:22:24 AM | |
Genal shout-out to the USA folks.
Who gets the mag "Revolver"? I can't get it here. I want the Halford issue. Any help? |
[Deep Freeze] Monday, May 17, 2010 7:20:41 AM | |
Morning, folks. Bit of a somber day I see. So sorry to hear of the loss. Dio will always be one of my greatest inspirations. Seems like it is always tough to lose one of "our own", as it were. I often think about the Priest boys at a time like this. They are getting up there in age and I worry about that day, which we all know will come, and how we will handle it. Facing mortality is never easy. We deal and we move on.
I think this is a reminder to all of us to be vigilant regarding our health. There ARE things we CAN control, guys. As I mentioned last week, I had my annual check up. I just now checked my blood results and I am happy to say that my levels are all normal, with the exception of tryglicerides (fat in the blood) which is really not surprising. The therapy for that is...you guessed it, LOSE WEIGHT! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! As I said, not surprising. Overall, I am thankful that I am pretty healthy. Good cholesterol, good pressure, etc. I don't drink. I don't smoke. If I could lay off the buttter and frying oil I would likely be as healthy as ol' Guido!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
Take care of yourselves, people. It is not all that hard. There are things we all can do to ensure we are living longer and feeling better. I would really hate to lose one of you! |
[guardian angel] Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:22:30 PM | |
Ride out, protector of the realm, Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of lights.....Rest in peace Ronnie Dio.  |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Sunday, May 16, 2010 4:39:53 PM | |
I am very shocked and saddened by the loss of RJD. I got to see him a couple years ago during the Priest/H&H tour. Just a phoenomonal performer. Such a huge, huge loss for not just heavy metal, but the world of music as well. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kiamat from Sunday, May 16, 2010 1:30:57 PM) |  | kiamat wrote: | | Hey Everyone.
I guess most of you have heard by now, but for those who may not have...
Ronnie James Dio passed away this morning.
I couldn't believe it at first. It's a sad day for metal. |
[Becks] Sunday, May 16, 2010 3:45:19 PM | |
A very sad day indeed Kiamat. I am very shocked, I thought he would recover and was doing well. Very very sad news. I never got to see him live, but I am glad for the many years of awesome metal he brought to the world. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kiamat from Sunday, May 16, 2010 1:30:57 PM) |  | kiamat wrote: | | Hey Everyone.
I guess most of you have heard by now, but for those who may not have...
Ronnie James Dio passed away this morning.
I couldn't believe it at first. It's a sad day for metal. |
[Budred] Sunday, May 16, 2010 2:20:33 PM | |
What a drag to hear about Ronnie James Dio.
I'm glad I went to that Priest / Heaven and Hell concert a couple of years back.
He was nearly 65 years old and still sounded good. R.I.P. / R.J.D. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, May 16, 2010 1:38:18 PM | |
Yeah kiamat,that sucks. Dio will be missed forver thats for sure. It just goes to show that we must enjoy heavy metal while we still can,time is ticking and there is nothing we can do to stop it. R.I.P. RJD. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kiamat from Sunday, May 16, 2010 1:30:57 PM) |  | kiamat wrote: | | Hey Everyone.
I guess most of you have heard by now, but for those who may not have...
Ronnie James Dio passed away this morning.
I couldn't believe it at first. It's a sad day for metal. |
[kiamat] Sunday, May 16, 2010 1:30:57 PM | |
Hey Everyone.
I guess most of you have heard by now, but for those who may not have...
Ronnie James Dio passed away this morning.
I couldn't believe it at first. It's a sad day for metal. |
[spapad] Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:47:58 PM | |
DO report back to me that there was some Metal at Feelgoods! and no Love by the Dashboard light! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:26:07 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning!! What a freakin night!! Went out to see a friend's band play and it was a blast! Tiny little place and all punk rock but it was fun. Always good to see old friends and support the "live scene".
Of course, I am completely spent this morning. I think I slept for four or five hours but that's about it. *yeesh* Feeling pretty run down but, oh well. Going out to FEELGOODS tonight. Its the club Vince Neil created here in Vegas. There is a benefit show for the Las Vegas Fallen Officers. We're going to head out and show our support for awhile. Not too sure HOW I am going to do THAT but, we'll see! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! |
[Budred] Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:47:01 PM | |
I just thought I would comment on "Play That Funky Music". You can't escape that song around here.
The guy who wrote and sang that song is from Steubenville, Ohio. I lived there for twelve years, and live about
10 minutes from it now. I stay out of the bars now but at one time everybar, everynight, some one played that
song, either on the jukebox or live. I think his name is Rob Parise. I believe he lives elsewhere but every once in a while
he would drive thru town in a white Rolls' with the plate "Wyt Boy". He's a millionaire from that one song. He
owns the rights to the song and gets royalty checks still. It's amazing how popular that song actually is. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, May 14, 2010 6:23:30 AM)
Deep Freeze wrote: |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Thanks, Spa. While I wish I were able to say that I am carrying the torch for Metal and whatnot, I am not. We are not a Metal act. In fact , we do very little in the way of "Metal". Both our Priest songs are commerical in the highest (Breaking the Law and Another Thing Comin) and we play good ol' Paranoid which is more "classic rock" these days than Metal.
I was thinking about that last night. You see, while I do play for the love of music and all the passion that I have for it, I also play to get PAID. I know JD is likely ready to slit my throat now but, we play what the crowd wants to hear (Eve Six, Three Doors Down, Poison). Last night, we learned four new songs and, while I am happy to say that one of them is "Rock you like a Hurricane" (Scorps), the others are "My Sharona", "Good Golly Miss Molly" and....Bad Co's "Rock Steady".
I am really all for the "love of Metal" and all but the cold, hard reality is that playing small bars and clubs requires that we have a wide ranging set list and that we play things that all the crowd will like. For example, "Play that Funky Music" is one of our most popular! HA!!!!!!!!!!! (Of course, we "rough" it up some!) The reality is, we have to play what they want, not necessarily what WE like.
I have noticed that these "tribute" bands do VERY well here but they actually LOOK like the bands they portray! I mean, seriously ...! I saw a band yesterday called "Heart Live" and I could've sworn it was Heart! The girls looked just like them and they sang spot-on! I was stunned. There are a couple Van Halen acts here that are like that. With me, Priest is not an option. I suppose I look enough like Meatloaf to do that, but I cannot sing like him......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:48:08 PM |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:26:07 AM | |
Good Morning!! What a freakin night!! Went out to see a friend's band play and it was a blast! Tiny little place and all punk rock but it was fun. Always good to see old friends and support the "live scene".
Of course, I am completely spent this morning. I think I slept for four or five hours but that's about it. *yeesh* Feeling pretty run down but, oh well. Going out to FEELGOODS tonight. Its the club Vince Neil created here in Vegas. There is a benefit show for the Las Vegas Fallen Officers. We're going to head out and show our support for awhile. Not too sure HOW I am going to do THAT but, we'll see! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! |
[Becks] Friday, May 14, 2010 7:31:53 PM | |
Hello everyone, yay it's the weekend! Just been drumming, not sure which song to learn properly next (got the basics of each song sorted, just a matter of refining things when I get the time lol) - The Hellion/Electric Eye, Bloodstone, Heading out to the Highway or Desert Plains, LOL! |
[ron h] Friday, May 14, 2010 10:40:33 AM | |
Hmmmm...Bat Out of Hell and Paradise by the Dashboard Lights are not bad songs and I'm sure they would be well received by bar patrons... : )
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, May 14, 2010 6:23:30 AM)
Deep Freeze wrote: |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Thanks, Spa. While I wish I were able to say that I am carrying the torch for Metal and whatnot, I am not. We are not a Metal act. In fact , we do very little in the way of "Metal". Both our Priest songs are commerical in the highest (Breaking the Law and Another Thing Comin) and we play good ol' Paranoid which is more "classic rock" these days than Metal.
I was thinking about that last night. You see, while I do play for the love of music and all the passion that I have for it, I also play to get PAID. I know JD is likely ready to slit my throat now but, we play what the crowd wants to hear (Eve Six, Three Doors Down, Poison). Last night, we learned four new songs and, while I am happy to say that one of them is "Rock you like a Hurricane" (Scorps), the others are "My Sharona", "Good Golly Miss Molly" and....Bad Co's "Rock Steady".
I am really all for the "love of Metal" and all but the cold, hard reality is that playing small bars and clubs requires that we have a wide ranging set list and that we play things that all the crowd will like. For example, "Play that Funky Music" is one of our most popular! HA!!!!!!!!!!! (Of course, we "rough" it up some!) The reality is, we have to play what they want, not necessarily what WE like.
I have noticed that these "tribute" bands do VERY well here but they actually LOOK like the bands they portray! I mean, seriously ...! I saw a band yesterday called "Heart Live" and I could've sworn it was Heart! The girls looked just like them and they sang spot-on! I was stunned. There are a couple Van Halen acts here that are like that. With me, Priest is not an option. I suppose I look enough like Meatloaf to do that, but I cannot sing like him......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Friday, May 14, 2010 10:47:25 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Friday, May 14, 2010 6:23:30 AM | |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Thanks, Spa. While I wish I were able to say that I am carrying the torch for Metal and whatnot, I am not. We are not a Metal act. In fact , we do very little in the way of "Metal". Both our Priest songs are commerical in the highest (Breaking the Law and Another Thing Comin) and we play good ol' Paranoid which is more "classic rock" these days than Metal.
I was thinking about that last night. You see, while I do play for the love of music and all the passion that I have for it, I also play to get PAID. I know JD is likely ready to slit my throat now but, we play what the crowd wants to hear (Eve Six, Three Doors Down, Poison). Last night, we learned four new songs and, while I am happy to say that one of them is "Rock you like a Hurricane" (Scorps), the others are "My Sharona", "Good Golly Miss Molly" and....Bad Co's "Rock Steady".
I am really all for the "love of Metal" and all but the cold, hard reality is that playing small bars and clubs requires that we have a wide ranging set list and that we play things that all the crowd will like. For example, "Play that Funky Music" is one of our most popular! HA!!!!!!!!!!! (Of course, we "rough" it up some!) The reality is, we have to play what they want, not necessarily what WE like.
I have noticed that these "tribute" bands do VERY well here but they actually LOOK like the bands they portray! I mean, seriously ...! I saw a band yesterday called "Heart Live" and I could've sworn it was Heart! The girls looked just like them and they sang spot-on! I was stunned. There are a couple Van Halen acts here that are like that. With me, Priest is not an option. I suppose I look enough like Meatloaf to do that, but I cannot sing like him......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[Becks] Thursday, May 13, 2010 10:13:09 PM | |
TGIF everyone, yay! Just got home form work, and fully intending on blobbing out tonight LOL! Chinese takeaway for tea me thinks! |
[spapad] Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:43:14 PM | |
Freeze have wonderful Metal Social. lol Meanwhile, I'll be wishing for better weather too. Past two weeks have sucked. Right now I'm pitying all those "memorial day" fools who will jump in a pool on that weekend that has not been suficiently warmed by the sun. Yikes! |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:03:56 AM | |
And a FINE morning to you all!!! Appears that we are all quiet on the "front"...? EXCELLENT! Hanging in there over in my world. Keep expecting hot weather and getting crap!! All cloudy here today. Can we just have SUMMER already?????
Have a busy weekend coming up!! Going to see a friend of mine and his band play their first show this Friday and then we (my band) are all going to Vince Neil's club (Feelgoods) to hang with some friends that have a band playing there. I guess you could consider it the musical equivalent of "social networking"... HAAAAAAAA! Anyhoo, I get to run around town and act like a twenty-something for a couple days. Not too sure how on earth I will accomplish this but I am giving it the old "college try".
Behave yourselves! |
[Becks] Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:25:52 PM | |
Hello everyone, YAY tomorrow is friday here LOL! Just got home from work and I am about to walk the dog hope you are all well! |
[spapad] Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:56:25 PM | |
Happy ending of Wednesday Vail! Here's to only two more days till the weekend. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:07:24 AM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Good morning, ladies and germies of the Noticeboard!
Hope everybody has a great Wednesday!!  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Wednesday, May 12, 2010 9:07:24 AM | |
Good morning, ladies and germies of the Noticeboard!
Hope everybody has a great Wednesday!!  |
[Becks] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:53:39 PM | |
Yeah honorary that's what I mean, not a proper knighthood but an honorary one and we know Bono is the king of the pains in the arse, whereas Scott kicks ass, which should equal honorary knighthood. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:47:37 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | If Bono can get an honorary Knighthood, I fail to see why Scott cant. |  | Becks wrote: | | She should knight all of JP! And Scott Travis can get some equivalent thing seen as he can't actually be knighted LOL! Sir Halford has an awesome ring to it I reckon LOL. |  | spapad wrote: | | Hey, I'd just settle for "Sir Halford" . The Queen should Knight him. |  | Becks wrote: | | That is the best idea ever Kiamat, LOL! Halford for PM! |  | kiamat wrote: | | I've just had the GREATEST idea ever! Halford for Prime Minister!
With Brown out of Number 10, now is the time to act- Rob, your country needs you! We'll cause a diversion outside and you and the guys run in and stage a Breaking the Law style hold-up. I know it will work, we have... roughly half an hour.
Never mind...
Good to hear that you're well, Freeze. Hope everyone else is too. |
[spapad] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:47:37 PM | |
If Bono can get an honorary Knighthood, I fail to see why Scott cant. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:40:56 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | She should knight all of JP! And Scott Travis can get some equivalent thing seen as he can't actually be knighted LOL! Sir Halford has an awesome ring to it I reckon LOL. |  | spapad wrote: | | Hey, I'd just settle for "Sir Halford" . The Queen should Knight him. |  | Becks wrote: | | That is the best idea ever Kiamat, LOL! Halford for PM! |  | kiamat wrote: | | I've just had the GREATEST idea ever! Halford for Prime Minister!
With Brown out of Number 10, now is the time to act- Rob, your country needs you! We'll cause a diversion outside and you and the guys run in and stage a Breaking the Law style hold-up. I know it will work, we have... roughly half an hour.
Never mind...
Good to hear that you're well, Freeze. Hope everyone else is too. |
[Becks] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:40:56 PM | |
She should knight all of JP! And Scott Travis can get some equivalent thing seen as he can't actually be knighted LOL! Sir Halford has an awesome ring to it I reckon LOL. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:34:55 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Hey, I'd just settle for "Sir Halford" . The Queen should Knight him. |  | Becks wrote: | | That is the best idea ever Kiamat, LOL! Halford for PM! |  | kiamat wrote: | | I've just had the GREATEST idea ever! Halford for Prime Minister!
With Brown out of Number 10, now is the time to act- Rob, your country needs you! We'll cause a diversion outside and you and the guys run in and stage a Breaking the Law style hold-up. I know it will work, we have... roughly half an hour.
Never mind...
Good to hear that you're well, Freeze. Hope everyone else is too. |
[spapad] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:34:55 PM | |
Hey, I'd just settle for "Sir Halford" . The Queen should Knight him. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:27:26 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | That is the best idea ever Kiamat, LOL! Halford for PM! |  | kiamat wrote: | | I've just had the GREATEST idea ever! Halford for Prime Minister!
With Brown out of Number 10, now is the time to act- Rob, your country needs you! We'll cause a diversion outside and you and the guys run in and stage a Breaking the Law style hold-up. I know it will work, we have... roughly half an hour.
Never mind...
Good to hear that you're well, Freeze. Hope everyone else is too. |
[Becks] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:27:26 PM | |
That is the best idea ever Kiamat, LOL! Halford for PM! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kiamat from Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:37:05 PM) |  | kiamat wrote: | | I've just had the GREATEST idea ever! Halford for Prime Minister!
With Brown out of Number 10, now is the time to act- Rob, your country needs you! We'll cause a diversion outside and you and the guys run in and stage a Breaking the Law style hold-up. I know it will work, we have... roughly half an hour.
Never mind...
Good to hear that you're well, Freeze. Hope everyone else is too. |
[spapad] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:19:13 PM | |
I preordered the BS special edition, and waited for it today, and didn't get it. That kind of sucked. Other than that, I had a great Mother's Day to offset the disapointment. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Justin Kenny from Tuesday, May 11, 2010 4:38:50 PM)
Justin Kenny wrote: |
Hey all!! Wha's happ'nin'? What's shakin' & quakin'? What's movin' & groovin'? What's new 'n exciting? Hah? Hmmm?? o_O (Yes...you guessed right...I'm too feckin' lazy to be reading through the last 10 or so pages of posts...LOL!!)
Me? Eh....this kid's got nuthin'.... If you've all seen the Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day," you pretty much know my story...so...I'm depending on y'all to render some news/info/low-down/skinny/what-the-hell-have-ya that might make this kid smile/laugh/celebrate with you/what-the-hell-have-ya.......as a caveat though, the following is just a sample of some news I could do very well without:
1) If you've been looking into using butt-plugs- I mean, okay....do whatever gets yer freak on, go with it and God Bless man, but...keep the updates to yerself, y'dig?
2) If you've found some seriously unidentifiable matter or another in your refrigerators that happened to consume the family cat- Sorry if such an event occurred, but...may I offer.. empty that sumbitch, douche that fucker out proper and throw a fresh box of Arm & Hammer baking soda in there to minimize odors and for GOD'S sakes...thin the left-over herd once a week...you'll thank me later. As for the consumed cat.... **shrugs** ...adopt a new one...get it spayed and neutered like that Bob Barker dude's always been pushin'...
3) If picking off poppy seeds from bagels and counting the amount of 'em PER BAGEL for a cost/comparison analysis has been the height of your excitement as of late.....hooo boy....then you'd need more of a life than THIS kid....dig it....unless of course this is a profession of yours and you're getting righteously paid for it...then fuck yeh...I say count them seeds and be the feckin' best at it!
4) ...and lastly...as examples go... I could care less about politics....may I remind you all that I'm about as politically minded as a cardboard box...I've heard the events of what's going on in AZ...here in NY we got a governor that we like to call 'Blind-Muppet Boy' who's got this state on its knees so hardcore right now the patella bones are splintering, and Arnold is STILL governor in CA....which is frightening as fuck-all...quite frankly.
So...beyond the aforementioned...I'm strapped for what else may not really tickle my hypothalamus (look it up)...so....let's make it good people... Moreover, I hope you've all been happy, healthy, laughing, livin', lovin', touchin', squeezin' (Oooh, a Journey reference, dig it!), and all that happy horseshit... **nods**
I bid you all a wonderful day/evening and am lookin' forward to the respective updates. |
Edited at: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:25:20 PM |
[Justin Kenny] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 4:38:50 PM | |
Hey all!! Wha's happ'nin'? What's shakin' & quakin'? What's movin' & groovin'? What's new 'n exciting? Hah? Hmmm?? o_O (Yes...you guessed right...I'm too feckin' lazy to be reading through the last 10 or so pages of posts...LOL!!)
Me? Eh....this kid's got nuthin'.... If you've all seen the Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day," you pretty much know my story...so...I'm depending on y'all to render some news/info/low-down/skinny/what-the-hell-have-ya that might make this kid smile/laugh/celebrate with you/what-the-hell-have-ya.......as a caveat though, the following is just a sample of some news I could do very well without:
1) If you've been looking into using butt-plugs- I mean, okay....do whatever gets yer freak on, go with it and God Bless man, but...keep the updates to yerself, y'dig?
2) If you've found some seriously unidentifiable matter or another in your refrigerators that happened to consume the family cat- Sorry if such an event occurred, but...may I offer.. empty that sumbitch, douche that fucker out proper and throw a fresh box of Arm & Hammer baking soda in there to minimize odors and for GOD'S sakes...thin the left-over herd once a week...you'll thank me later. As for the consumed cat.... **shrugs** ...adopt a new one...get it spayed and neutered like that Bob Barker dude's always been pushin'...
3) If picking off poppy seeds from bagels and counting the amount of 'em PER BAGEL for a cost/comparison analysis has been the height of your excitement as of late.....hooo boy....then you'd need more of a life than THIS kid....dig it....unless of course this is a profession of yours and you're getting righteously paid for it...then fuck yeh...I say count them seeds and be the feckin' best at it!
4) ...and lastly...as examples go... I could care less about politics....may I remind you all that I'm about as politically minded as a cardboard box...I've heard the events of what's going on in AZ...here in NY we got a governor that we like to call 'Blind-Muppet Boy' who's got this state on its knees so hardcore right now the patella bones are splintering, and Arnold is STILL governor in CA....which is frightening as fuck-all...quite frankly.
So...beyond the aforementioned...I'm strapped for what else may not really tickle my hypothalamus (look it up)...so....let's make it good people... Moreover, I hope you've all been happy, healthy, laughing, livin', lovin', touchin', squeezin' (Oooh, a Journey reference, dig it!), and all that happy horseshit... **nods**
I bid you all a wonderful day/evening and am lookin' forward to the respective updates. |
[kiamat] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:37:05 PM | |
I've just had the GREATEST idea ever! Halford for Prime Minister!
With Brown out of Number 10, now is the time to act- Rob, your country needs you! We'll cause a diversion outside and you and the guys run in and stage a Breaking the Law style hold-up. I know it will work, we have... roughly half an hour.
Never mind...
Good to hear that you're well, Freeze. Hope everyone else is too. |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 5:48:26 AM | |
Well, I'm finally getting some strength back. Oy! Tough last couple days! Looks like all is well. I must say, it is so gratifying to see that all is calm and friendly here when I am away! Well done, all.
Trying to stay calm HERE as well. Saw the doc yesterday for my annual check up. Blood pressure and whatnot is Aces! The regular blood work is later this week but I have no reason to believe there will be anything to report! For some reason, that man is not meant to know, I have been blessed with remarkably good health despite my rather "unhealthy" way of life over the last fifty years or so! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing. If not for my weight, I assume I would be some sort of medical miracle. In any event, all is well and life keeps on keeping on... |
[Becks] Monday, May 10, 2010 11:22:17 PM | |
Hello everyone! Another busy busy day here, so busy I didn't get my afternoon tea break and didn't leave work till after 4pm (my hours are 8am-4pm) - all good though, got lots of testing done so yay!
I hope you are all well! |
[Becks] Sunday, May 09, 2010 12:26:47 PM | |
Although it has now passed in my part of the world, a Happy Mothers Day to all the mums of the board! |
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, May 09, 2010 10:31:35 AM | |
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies and moms!!  |
[guidogodoy] Sunday, May 09, 2010 9:46:21 AM | |
Yeah, happy Mother's day to all you "muthers" on the board! LOL!! |
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, May 09, 2010 7:28:21 AM | |
I concur. I very, very Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely moms in our group! ALL my best to you. VERY sore and tired today so I will be scarce. Chat soon!! |
[Head banger] Sunday, May 09, 2010 6:58:57 AM | |
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms of the board. |
[kiamat] Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:48:15 AM | |
I had a sudden panic when I started seeing messages like that popping up everywhere. I was pretty certain it couldn't be Mothers' day- I hadn't realised that different countries celebrate it on different days (we have it in March).
Well, Happy Mothers' Day anyway! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Sunday, May 09, 2010 3:41:38 AM) |  | ron h wrote: | | Happy Mothers Day to all the Mom's out there!! |
[ron h] Sunday, May 09, 2010 3:41:38 AM | |
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mom's out there!! |
[spapad] Saturday, May 08, 2010 12:01:09 PM | |
My 411 is sad. I've got a stupid wedding to attend at that time, and Flora is not crazy about the "other bands" at Ozzfest. So what I want to know is Halford going to be doing any small arenas or club dates? Now that my Ozzfest has been shot to shit. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, May 08, 2010 9:29:05 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ok, I am going crazy trying to work out the schedule for the Halford / Ozzfest tour. Where are the official tour dates listed on the Q? How about presale? Any meet and greet? I am looking at IL or PA. WHO HAS THE 411?!!! |
[spapad] Saturday, May 08, 2010 11:58:21 AM | |
I think Clegg with partner up with the Tory's and it will, in the end, be in his best interest. Unfortuanatly, I don't think the Tory government will not be looked upon kindly. They have a lot of cleaning up to do, and that wont be easy on anyone. But, if you cut out all those government jobs that are essentially fake jobs that Labor installed, it would be a great start. LOL And get people off the couch and back to work, the professional non-workers especially. No need for immigration if all of Britain was at work. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kiamat from Saturday, May 08, 2010 1:43:48 AM) |  | kiamat wrote: | | Its all down to Nick Clegg now, Spa. Many of his supporters will see it as a betrayal to throw his support behind the Tories, but if he goes for Labour, even a couple of other parties like SNP and Plaid Cymru do the same, Brown still won't have enough of a majority.
Personally, I think David Cameron will get it, and much as it pains me to say this, I hope he does too. I still remember when John Major was in power and Conservatives were the bloated fat-cat baddies out to ruin everyone, pitted against the wonderful New Labour who were going to save the country and usher us into some kind of golden age.
Well, look how that turned out...
Becks, I cannot stress how insanely jealous I am- the past three times Metallica have come to the UK I have either been unable to make the date or unable to get tickets. I hope you and Craig have a really really good time! Whatever people say about them, you rarely hear bad things about their live shows these days.
|  | spapad wrote: | | Unfortunatly, Gordon Brown just continues to prove what a classless act he is. He will probably pour his feet in concrete in a 10 Downing Street tub so as to make his removal all the more difficult. I have no words for what a disgrace it is that the fool is still there.
Reminds me of Dub-ya's first run at office when his brother handed him the election all wrapped up like a gift, in Florida. |  | kiamat wrote: | | Union chucked us out at 4- we never intended to stay that long but Labour and the Tories were neck and neck the whole way. Sad to say its looking like a hung parliament.
Worse, the voting this year has been a shambles- running out of ballot papers, postal votes being lost, and worst of all so many polling stations didn't have enough staff to cope with the numbers of people, so in a lot of places (including our nearest) people were still queueing to vote at 10 o'clock and were turned away- one of my best friends was right at the front (he'd been there for at least an hour) and they shut the door in his face. In some places they actually carried on letting people in, but legally any votes cast after 10 aren't valid... so, its a mess right now.
Anyhow, Good night (morning?!) all! |  | spapad wrote: | | Chances are at their age you'll be treated to a good deal of the "old stuff" which will make it worth it.
I'm not British, I have no british relatives that I know of but when I read the international news I absolutely HATE Gordon Brown and Labor. I have been facinated with waiting for this election for the past two years because if that were my country, we would have impeached the fool long ago. Ineptitude should get you thrown out of office, but then again we did suffer 8 years of Dub-ya after having one of the best President's of the modern times. ARRRGH! Thank god, that's over. |  | Becks wrote: | | Sure you can Spa! LOL!
It'll be interesting to see who wins the UK election, a lot of people I've spoken to don't like Gordon Brown lol.
Well I'm happy as cos we just bought our tickets to see Metallica in october, they're coming to NZ for (at the moment) one show. I know I know, a lot of people here don't like them, but I am a fan (granted of their older stuff, St Anger is AWFUL, so is Reload, the list goes on) but I have wanted to see them live for ages and now I am so yay! lol. |  | spapad wrote: | | Hey Becks, can I come over to your house? I'd love it to be Friday evening already. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | Indeed it has been rather quiet! I've been busy settling in to my new job, with work times becoming more set in stone soon, yay! And, it's friday here! LOL! Woohoo for the weekend! |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, May 08, 2010 9:29:05 AM | |
Ok, I am going crazy trying to work out the schedule for the Halford / Ozzfest tour. Where are the official tour dates listed on the Q? How about presale? Any meet and greet? I am looking at IL or PA. WHO HAS THE 411?!!! |