[sentinel84] Saturday, January 08, 2011 10:25:38 AM
all of my friends are huge maiden fans and not so huge priest fans so I'm sorta forced into liking maiden. Both great band but priest is a gazillion times better. And also Paul dianno maiden is way better than Bruce dickenson maiden. Iron. Maiden and killers are the only two albums I really love the rest are just eh. Honestly I don't see what's so great about maiden. Without priest there probably would be no maiden.
[the highway terror] Tuesday, December 21, 2010 11:01:36 PM
Are you kidding ? Priest eats Maiden alive !!
[metallo] Thursday, July 22, 2010 5:55:05 AM
Tomorrow I'm going to see Pual Di Anno in FICULLE, small village near ORVIETO, centre of Italy.
never seen maidens
Bye bye Bruce
[Zomby] Tuesday, July 20, 2010 2:31:06 AM
paul dianno was better vocalist dunno why he left
[icecreamman] Monday, July 19, 2010 6:55:37 PM
Iron Maiden are a bunch of egotistical jerks! To even be considered a great band is a joke! I used to have respect for that band, but now what a joke. OH man, and don't get me strarted on the maiden fanboys. I will go as far as to say this..... THE WORST PRIEST ALBUM IS BETTER THAN THE GREATEST MAIDEN ALBUM! PRIEST MURDER MAIDEN. PERIOD. To even mention Priest and Maiden in the same sentence is a sin. iron maiden CAN FALL TO THIER KNEES AND BOW TO THE METAL GODS!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Monday, July 19, 2010 6:02:24 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
icecreamman wrote:
Can anyone say DOWN THE IRONS!!!!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
.iron maiden can get on there knees and bow to the MASTERS OF MEEETTT TTTAAALLL Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:25:39 PM Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:26:00 PM
[hellrider 31038] Monday, July 19, 2010 6:02:24 PM
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH(WITH MY HEAD TILTED BACK) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by icecreamman from Sunday, July 18, 2010 3:37:02 PM)
icecreamman wrote:
Can anyone say DOWN THE IRONS!!!!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
.iron maiden can get on there knees and bow to the MASTERS OF MEEETTT TTTAAALLL Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:25:39 PM Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:26:00 PM
[icecreamman] Sunday, July 18, 2010 3:37:02 PM
Can anyone say DOWN THE IRONS!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:23:51 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
.iron maiden can get on there knees and bow to the MASTERS OF MEEETTT TTTAAALLL Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:25:39 PM Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:26:00 PM
[Budred] Saturday, July 10, 2010 8:20:20 AM
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:23:51 PM
.iron maiden can get on there knees and bow to the MASTERS OF MEEETTT TTTAAALLL Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:25:39 PM Edited at: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:26:00 PM
[metallo] Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:13:27 PM
Judas Priest - Iron Maiden 5 - 0
Scorer: Rob Halford, Glenn Tipton, KK Downing, Ian Hill, Scott Travis
Good bye maidens
[Priest_Fan78] Sunday, June 20, 2010 2:43:13 AM
[Head banger] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:07:23 PM
Hockey is a lot more than violence, as is football, rugby.... but yeah, lots of people on both sides of the boarder only watch for fights. too bad, its a realy interesting strategic game with lots of speed when done right. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:05:07 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL !!!! Well your from Canada so Hockey is IT and end of story,I understand this Head Banger,and yeah there are more hits in Hockey more often ect...I agree but to me theres nothing better than NFL football,its not the violence its the strategy and the anticipation between each plays,its something about the game itself....its.......its.....(sigh lol) oh ok,Hockey's better. LOL Head Banger!!! And what I was saying that nobody would watch Hockey if they took out fighting...thats the people down here in the US at least most of them not you guys from Canada,you guys actually know and watch the game but most people(not all) but most people here only watch it for the fights. (Quoting Message by Head banger from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:38:18 PM)
Head banger wrote:
come on. the best hits in hockey far and away destroy the best NFL hits. more hitting, less fighting would make the NHL better. go on youtube, look up scott stevens.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the same..lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
Edited at: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:34:30 PM
[Head banger] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:06:07 PM
the speed is the difference. to me, the 60 minutes all being playing time, vs 12 minutes are probably why I dont watch the NFL, so I dont recall any of those hits. I do remember one of some guy with a foot flapping in the wind, but the hit wasnt that awesome. and yeah, hits with sticks skates or puck dont count, thats either needless violence or just back luck. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:10:44 PM)
ron h wrote:
Hi HB!! Being a fan of both, I think the best hits of both leagues are comparable. Hockey has the benefit of higher speeds because, well...they wear ice skates and are on ice...that's the biggest difference. Remember Elway getting pinwheeled in the SB?? Remember Eric Dickerson getting knocked flat on his as# by Singletary?? Remember the hit on Joe Theisman?? There's much better than those but you get the point. What the NHL has is plain old violence that doesn't even come from hits, but maybe a cut throat from a skate blade or a smashed mouth from a puck...those can't be included (nor can the ones where the sticks were used). I think they're both violent contact sports, but the speed in hockey is the difference. I'll put the hits in those two sports up against boxing any day!!
Head banger wrote:
come on. the best hits in hockey far and away destroy the best NFL hits. more hitting, less fighting would make the NHL better. go on youtube, look up scott stevens.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the same..lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[ron h] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:10:44 PM
Hi HB!! Being a fan of both, I think the best hits of both leagues are comparable. Hockey has the benefit of higher speeds because, well...they wear ice skates and are on ice...that's the biggest difference. Remember Elway getting pinwheeled in the SB?? Remember Eric Dickerson getting knocked flat on his as# by Singletary?? Remember the hit on Joe Theisman?? There's much better than those but you get the point. What the NHL has is plain old violence that doesn't even come from hits, but maybe a cut throat from a skate blade or a smashed mouth from a puck...those can't be included (nor can the ones where the sticks were used). I think they're both violent contact sports, but the speed in hockey is the difference. I'll put the hits in those two sports up against boxing any day!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Head banger from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:38:18 PM)
Head banger wrote:
come on. the best hits in hockey far and away destroy the best NFL hits. more hitting, less fighting would make the NHL better. go on youtube, look up scott stevens.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the same..lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:05:07 PM
LOL !!!! Well your from Canada so Hockey is IT and end of story,I understand this Head Banger,and yeah there are more hits in Hockey more often ect...I agree but to me theres nothing better than NFL football,its not the violence its the strategy and the anticipation between each plays,its something about the game itself....its.......its.....(sigh lol) oh ok,Hockey's better. LOL Head Banger!!! And what I was saying that nobody would watch Hockey if they took out fighting...thats the people down here in the US at least most of them not you guys from Canada,you guys actually know and watch the game but most people(not all) but most people here only watch it for the fights. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Head banger from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:38:18 PM)
Head banger wrote:
come on. the best hits in hockey far and away destroy the best NFL hits. more hitting, less fighting would make the NHL better. go on youtube, look up scott stevens.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the same..lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
Edited at: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:34:30 PM
[Head banger] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:38:18 PM
come on. the best hits in hockey far and away destroy the best NFL hits. more hitting, less fighting would make the NHL better. go on youtube, look up scott stevens. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:42:53 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the same..lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:42:53 PM
lol! Yeah I hear ya,nothing wrong with watching somebody get the crap beat out of them eh? lol! Well people do not watch NFL football to see somebody get hurt,the sport is too interesting ask just about anybody who likes the NFL and they will tell you the same,if anything we want to see huge hits ect..but without the player getting injured because losing one guy could sink your favorite team,in Hockey 99.9% of people who watch this sport only watches it for the fights that break out(TRUE) ask just about anybody and thats what they will tell you,if you took the "fights" out of Hockey,NOBODY WOULD EVEN BOTHER TO WATCH IT (TRUE). With the NFL,the drama is very exciting to the point that you don't need fights and shit like that to get into it,its rather hard to explain ....ask Ron,he should tell you the same..lol! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:02:54 AM)
jimmyjames wrote:
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[Becks] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:32:31 PM
Hahahaha he does look like Grizz Wylie! Minus a few teeth I think haha.
And yeah, if I watch rugby it's either to see us beat Australia, or to see people get smashed [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:49:31 AM)
jimmyjames wrote:
Now thats what an American footballer should look like. There's a few old school rugby and league players that look like that. Jack Lambert actually looks like an ex All Black called Alex "Grizz" Wylie. There's actually a rugby league player called Gary Larsen and they call him The Godfather because he talks like Marlon Brando in the movie, reason being because his throat got crushed in a game. They are tough guys.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[jimmyjames] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:02:54 AM
And by the way. Hits in rugby and rugby league are not unintentional. If you have the opportunity to smash someone into the middle of next week you take it. Thats what it's all about, going around smashing people. That's the reason people really watch it, despite what they say. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:39:48 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[jimmyjames] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:49:31 AM
Now thats what an American footballer should look like. There's a few old school rugby and league players that look like that. Jack Lambert actually looks like an ex All Black called Alex "Grizz" Wylie. There's actually a rugby league player called Gary Larsen and they call him The Godfather because he talks like Marlon Brando in the movie, reason being because his throat got crushed in a game. They are tough guys.
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!!
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:39:48 AM
LOL! HAHA yeah I don't know why they call it football but it just is,hows that? lol! I used to argue with a guy from Australia with him calling NFL "weak" because they wear gear and helmets ect.... above is a picture of Jack Lambert from the old Pittsburgh Steelers...can you imagine getting hit full speed from a guy like Jack Lambert with no gear on? HAHAHA! That guy from Australia wouldn't last a second! lol! Rugby is tough,very tough but they hit unintentionally,with NFL football that is what you are supposed to do is crush somebody!!!! lol! You Europeaners are probably right as the states probably ripped off the name "football" for the NFL I don't really know but the NFL here in the USA is the best sport there is in my opinion,I've been a fan since 1976 when I was 6 years old. Hail to the NFL!! lol Jimmy!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Monday, February 15, 2010 5:51:39 PM)
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[Becks] Monday, February 15, 2010 5:52:27 PM
Yeah I thought it was gridiron too. I usually call it american football. Ah, I hate the sport anyways lol. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Monday, February 15, 2010 5:51:39 PM)
jimmyjames wrote:
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[jimmyjames] Monday, February 15, 2010 5:51:39 PM
Thats the stupid thing about NFL. What do they call it football for? You don't use your feet at all unless your kicking off or converting a touchdown. You guys might as well call basketball football as well. I thought the game was called gridiron but it seems as though everyone calls it football for some reason. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Monday, February 15, 2010 3:09:39 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol!
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, February 15, 2010 3:09:39 PM
LOL! A game of football(its only soccer to us Americans haha!)? Maiden would win that one,they are "football" veterans.Its so hard for me to call it "football" because of NFL football over here, I know it offends europeans when we refer to it as "soccer"!!! lol! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Monday, February 15, 2010 2:54:44 AM)
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[Head banger] Monday, February 15, 2010 7:57:12 AM
well, maiden outnumbers them, and has an age advantage... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Monday, February 15, 2010 2:54:44 AM)
jimmyjames wrote:
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden.
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[jimmyjames] Monday, February 15, 2010 2:54:44 AM
That may be so Ron, but the question remains, who would win in a game of football? Priest or Maiden. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Monday, February 15, 2010 2:51:26 AM)
ron h wrote:
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[ron h] Monday, February 15, 2010 2:51:26 AM
I find it funny that while Priest were beating the tour trail, the boys in Maiden were still cutting teeth...how can one compare them to the trailblazers or even think they're comparable is beyond belief. Obviously, those that do were not around back in the day when Priest were known and Maiden were...well...unheard of!!!!
[priestaddict] Sunday, February 14, 2010 10:00:31 PM
Is this a joke? JUDAS PRIEST of course!!!
[mike94] Sunday, February 14, 2010 7:47:33 PM
Iron Maiden is garbage they got nothing on Priest. Maiden has no melody it's like hearing a bunch of screaming cat on stage
[ron h] Sunday, February 14, 2010 7:01:05 AM
You can't compare the student to the teacher!!!
[Metalrulez] Saturday, February 13, 2010 8:15:37 PM
Judas Priest By far. I remember hearing Maiden back in the early 80's and thinking the band was good but nothing remarkable to me. This was years after I had became a Priest fan. Yes I am a old man. To this day I just can not get into Iron Maiden. That is me though musical likes and dislikes are totally subjective and personal.
[Brian_Evans] Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:08:33 PM
Well I'm torn on this one but I'll have to go with Judas Priest by a nose. Same thing with Bruce and Rob Halford vocalist. Rob by a very slim amount. Bruce a very very close second.
[Budred] Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:06:31 PM
Instead of posting on dumb (vs.) discussions go to why all the web police topic.
You can discuss this or anything else you want(ANYTHING)! It's the new "HIP".
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:09:05 PM
d 6:09:47 PM Edited at: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:18:34 PM Edited at: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:19:30 PM
[MetalQueen] Monday, January 25, 2010 8:39:47 PM
BOTH...IM opening act for JP... that would be a concert to remember!!
BTW, what are the European concert dates for Germany???
[Budred] Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:42:59 PM
What a stupid question?It's JUDAS PRIEST! }: o
[truckreye] Thursday, November 26, 2009 3:00:12 PM
Oops I meant STEVE Harris Dave was the guy who IS NOT HERE!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, November 26, 2009 2:50:34 PM
Who the bleep is "Dave Harris"??? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by truckreye from Thursday, November 26, 2009 11:48:23 AM)
truckreye wrote:
Judas Preist cause Dave Harris is so annoying singing along on every lyric without a mike!
[truckreye] Thursday, November 26, 2009 11:48:23 AM
Judas Preist cause Dave Harris is so annoying singing along on every lyric without a mike!
[iamnostradamus88] Thursday, November 26, 2009 1:04:30 AM
ohh yea people may not agree with this but they are both sooo much different from one another in sooo many different ways
[iamnostradamus88] Thursday, November 26, 2009 1:03:39 AM
funny they'd put a priest vs. maiden war in a JUDAS PRIEST MESSAGEBOARD haha. I wonder who will win prodominantly win this battle! Well I'm going to go with Judas Priest on this one. They've been around longer, have been more consistent there whole career and were popular long before anyone knew who Iron Maiden was. There'd be no Maiden without the Priest.
[Priestfan94] Thursday, October 29, 2009 2:16:33 PM
Judas Priest is soo much better than Iron Maiden! And they will always be!! :) that's my opinion anyway..
[gup] Sunday, September 13, 2009 5:16:26 PM
priest is the best bar none. iron maiden is great but priest is #1
[MattPriestFan] Friday, August 28, 2009 8:14:30 PM
I'm actually not big on Iron Maiden at all. They are all right, and their singer is talented, but the Metal Gods rule all. JUDAS PRIEST is the clear winner.
[Izzystone] Friday, August 28, 2009 5:52:55 PM
I do love Iron Maiden almost as much as Priest, but I have to say Priest...
Judas Priest is my number one band, and they are the Metal Gods. They are the best band in the world, and they were the first metal band to remove all traces of blues, and they became the first band to ever play pure steel!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:04:17 PM
I do like Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son....8 songs on the album and I like 7 of them..."The Evil That Men Do" I can never get into that song even after 21 years of having this album.
Somewhere In Time I have never cared for at all....the only songs I like on that album is Long Distance Runner and Stranger In A Strange Land....the rest I could never grasp onto...
I too until recently was blahh about the Maiden records after Powerslave, but I have recently listened to live shows from 86 - 88, and have found a new respect for their later albums. I am actually considering purchasing SIT & SSOASS - wtf.
[doggiedogma] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:26:34 PM
I too until recently was blahh about the Maiden records after Powerslave, but I have recently listened to live shows from 86 - 88, and have found a new respect for their later albums. I am actually considering purchasing SIT & SSOASS - wtf.
[TabyGr] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 10:12:56 AM
My opinion is that...................it isnt quite good to compare but...........its something different to be a completely emporical band (Maiden) and a true heavy metal band (Judas) ...i vote Judas............Judas for ever...............Maiden will never write a song with a solo and drums of painkiller for example...........
[K2M] Monday, August 24, 2009 3:30:04 PM
I hate the VS threads.
We are blessed with varity.
And it is Heavy Metal Keep it Coming.
I dont have a bad saying about any of it. I am glad to have been around to enjoy all of it.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, August 24, 2009 2:52:43 PM
1.Somewhere In Time
2.No Prayer For The Dying
3.Fear Of The Dark
4.The X Factor
5.Virtual XI
6.Brave New World(only half of this album...5 tracks are good,5 tracks are bad)
7.Dance Of Death
Iron Maiden has "7" bad records and remember...this is "my personal opinion here" no fighting over this...just an opinion/debate.....
Judas Priest only has 5 albums that are bad,....again in my opinion...
1.Point Of Entry(although this album has 5 tracks that are good,it also has 5 that are not so good)
3.Ram It Down(I know Ron is going to kill me for this lol! But 5 tracks are good,5 are not so good)
So in my opinion Judas Priest has "much more good records"...and this is only a comparison betweeen our opinions...interesting though.
Iron Maiden is number one, because they have much more good records. But if this question is: Rob Halford VS Bruce Dickinson, my answer is The Metal God. Best Forever.
[WorthFightingFor] Monday, August 24, 2009 8:14:34 AM
Iron Maiden is number one, because they have much more good records. But if this question is: Rob Halford VS Bruce Dickinson, my answer is The Metal God. Best Forever.
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, August 06, 2009 6:56:53 PM
lol.how i love this thread.lol.MY ANSER IS IN YOUR FACE,
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, August 06, 2009 4:44:51 PM
lol! I hear you metalmaz(Lionessheart from the Saxon forum....you rock!!!) I always laugh at these "vs." threads .....Judas Priest against Iron Maiden?
Of course 99% will say Judas Priest because.....we are on the official Judas Priest forum!! Its not rocket science here...! lol!
Now if it were Iron Maiden vs. Saxon....that would be more reasonable......sorry metalmaz...I still would vote for Saxon!! lol!
Maiden don't suck (apart from No Prayer For The Dying and Virtual IX).
Priest don't suck (apart from Ram It Down and Nostradamus)
Does it matter anyway?
It would be boring if everybody lied and disliked the same thing. There's room for all bands anyway, so lets repest each others tastes. God I sound like a bleeding heart liberal
By the way JD Diamond this is Lionessheart from the Saxon Forum! (Quoting Message by priest rules the world from Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:29:44 AM)
priest rules the world wrote:
Priest RULES
Edited at: Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:34:11 AM
[funkster] Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:47:06 PM
both bands to me are metal royalty. but if I had to pick it would be priest. There music just seems to kick you in the spot(you know what I mean) more than maiden. Edited at: Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:48:10 PM
[metalmaz] Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:21:18 AM
Maiden don't suck (apart from No Prayer For The Dying and Virtual IX).
Priest don't suck (apart from Ram It Down and Nostradamus)
Does it matter anyway?
It would be boring if everybody lied and disliked the same thing. There's room for all bands anyway, so lets repest each others tastes. God I sound like a bleeding heart liberal
By the way JD Diamond this is Lionessheart from the Saxon Forum! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by priest rules the world from Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:29:44 AM)
priest rules the world wrote:
Priest RULES
Edited at: Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:34:11 AM
[priest rules the world] Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:29:44 AM
Priest RULES
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, August 05, 2009 4:38:56 PM
Judas Priest whips Iron Maiden's ass so bad its not even close!!!! I like Iron Maiden and all,but there is no way they can start to compare to Judas Priest,no way in hell!
[Jeanine] Tuesday, August 04, 2009 10:46:11 PM
I don't think so....that is a great idea!
Hmm, wonder what happened to the videos I posted? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by MP from Tuesday, August 04, 2009 11:33:20 AM)
MP wrote:
Only one way to find out...................fight!
Have Priest had a cinema release of a documentary?
[MP] Tuesday, August 04, 2009 11:33:20 AM
Only one way to find out...................fight!
Have Priest had a cinema release of a documentary?
[noirchrome] Monday, August 03, 2009 10:19:36 PM
Judas Priest ! Who else would have had the balls to introduce Iron Maiden to the U.S.A. !
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:11:41 PM
Goodnight, Spapad!! See you soon!!
Hey, Jeanine! You know what they say, practice makes perfect!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:08:50 PM)
spapad wrote:
Night Jeanine, Vail, I'm bushed and it's getting late in my corner of the US. Night!
Jeanine wrote:
gonna go check out sinful now........maybe I'll post a video then I am hitting the hay
[spapad] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:08:50 PM
Night Jeanine, Vail, I'm bushed and it's getting late in my corner of the US. Night!
gonna go check out sinful now........maybe I'll post a video then I am hitting the hay
[Jeanine] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:06:11 PM
gonna go check out sinful now........maybe I'll post a video then I am hitting the hay
[Jeanine] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:04:57 PM
Yes, now I am mentally exhausted but watch out I am gonna have fun with this [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:03:20 PM)
spapad wrote:
That's the way you do it GIRL!!! BRAVO!!!!
Jeanine wrote:
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:04:29 PM
That's the way you do it GIRL!!! BRAVO!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Jeanine from Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:02:31 PM)
Jeanine wrote:
[Jeanine] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:03:12 PM
Good gravy, I t;hink I got it!!!! Thanks Spapad and Vail, you are awesome.
[Jeanine] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:02:31 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:01:40 PM
Haha! Don't worry. It took me a long time to master the trick. If you want, I can PM you the instructions again. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Jeanine from Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:58:11 PM)
Jeanine wrote:
You did, frickin, frickin, frickety frick. I need baby instructions I guess.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Really? I thought I already sent you the instructions. Not to worry, though...here ya go!!
Jeanine wrote:
still can't figure out the whole post a video thing
Edited at: Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:48:31 PM
[Jeanine] Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:58:11 PM
You did, frickin, frickin, frickety frick. I need baby instructions I guess. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:52:06 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Really? I thought I already sent you the instructions. Not to worry, though...here ya go!!
Jeanine wrote:
still can't figure out the whole post a video thing
My Favorite song of Halford, but the again, I like about everything off that CD! Rocks! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Jeanine from Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:46:07 PM)
Priest! Seen them together in concert in the early 80's three times and while maiden rocks hard, priest rocks harder!! Have both of them on iPod but Priest gets more playing time.
[caronctm] Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:43:17 AM
I like Maiden but I love Priest. No contest.
[randib] Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:31:50 AM
I'm afraid I have to say Maiden only because they have been my favorite for over 20 years now. But Priest comes in a close second, Halford's voice is incredible and if either come into town I will make every effort possilbe to see them
[british.steel] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:58:51 AM
what do you mean kindergarten? and Priest uses keyboard and guitar synth in their songs too
[priest rules the world] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:43:00 AM
Priest wins maiden is just kindergarten now with 3 guitars and a keyboarder
priest are a million times better
[Lessy] Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:03:40 PM
OK before I post my opinion in topic "AC/DC vs. Priest" but these bands had differen sounds so now priest vs. maidens? wooow ok I ♥ them both...I just explain why is for me Judas Priest in higher position. My first heavy metal band was Iron Maiden I still like maiden�s sounds, riffs, originally hypnotic melodies but the original HEAVY METAL is made by Judas Priest!!!...you know what I mean...finally I find what I need all years before, thanx to Metal Gods. Some of the Maiden albums it seems as one and the same, in Priest discography you can find more different albums, I can compare this albums for example: Turbo - Painkiller, Rocka Rolla - British Steel, Point of Entry - Nostradamus...I can do it with all discography, they don�t copy their sound, practices again. I�ve never heard best voice in metal world as the voice of Rob Halford, I love guitarist twins Glenn and K.K. and with Ian and Scott is JUDAS PRIEST INVINCIBLE HEAVY METAL BAND IN THE WORLD...so this is my opinion. Hell Bent for Leather
They both much oviously have their great songs and hits. Judas Priest I say is a little more hard core with the screaming but Iron Maiden has a great way of holding that long note that makes the song Iron Maiden. But if it was between life and death I gotta go with the Priest. But their both Metal Gods!!!
[Dime/UNDER BLOOD RED SKIES!!!!] Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:22:28 PM
Love Maiden man, but if someone put a gun to my head and made me choose. I would bow to the true Metal Gods.....The PRIEST!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:18:06 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
Edited at: Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:21:43 PM
[ron h] Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:18:06 PM
Edited at: Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:21:43 PM
[spapad] Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:15:45 PM
I'm sicking with Priest in the end!
[ron h] Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:09:27 PM
[spapad] Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:08:12 PM
Ron, where is the vid?
BTW Welcome to the boards new person! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:06:31 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
[ron h] Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:06:31 PM
[ron h] Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:36:42 PM
Yes...I second that HB...Welcome to Board [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by theslayer5150 from Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:23:00 PM)
theslayer5150 wrote:
I am not going to pick one because i am hardcore fans of both and all british heavy metal...I finally was able to see Maiden last summer here in the states, and i am going to finally see Priest this summer. Anyway i needed a reason to pop my post cherry, so there you go.
I am not going to pick one because i am hardcore fans of both and all british heavy metal...I finally was able to see Maiden last summer here in the states, and i am going to finally see Priest this summer. Anyway i needed a reason to pop my post cherry, so there you go.
New Mexico
United States of America
[theslayer5150] Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:23:00 PM
I am not going to pick one because i am hardcore fans of both and all british heavy metal...I finally was able to see Maiden last summer here in the states, and i am going to finally see Priest this summer. Anyway i needed a reason to pop my post cherry, so there you go.
New Mexico
United States of America
[priest rules the world] Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1:20:29 PM
[Naturestrikes] Sunday, May 31, 2009 12:04:02 PM
Wow. Maiden vs JP. I couldn't possibly decide actually.
I know this is JP's site and all, but my music library practically consists of just Iron Maiden and Judas Priest anyway.
In terms of Rockband, however, I would have to say I prefer Judas Priest. RB2 Painkiller is actually a pain-inducer.
Don't make me choose! >:( I love them both equally! It's like having two kids, you can't say who you love more. D:
... Except... Judas Priest and Iron Maiden aren't my children... That'd just be strange.
[british.steel] Friday, May 29, 2009 8:08:11 PM
srry guys im a poor innocent noob :( dint realize tht
[metalmaz] Friday, May 29, 2009 12:31:50 PM
Scroll down. There is a very long thread on this! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by british.steel from Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:52:19 PM)
british.steel wrote:
And....who dyu like more.....
KK downing and Glenn Tipton, or Adrian Smith and Dave Murray (idk if u include Jaick Gers)
I like maiden more, but KK and Glenn are better in my opinion
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, May 28, 2009 3:59:19 PM
In my personal opinion this kind of thread should be asked on another band's website. Like a Motorhead forum......there you would get a better answer thats a little more Valid.
If you go to the Iron Maiden web site and ask who is better...... "Judas Priest or Iron Maiden"? Who do you think all those Maiden freaks are going to vote for?
No different here....of course 99% of us are going to say JP!
Maybe put Saxon Vs. Iron maiden...thats more reasonable........chalk up SAXON on my charts.....
...if you go by the last 20 years....Saxon blows away Iron maiden into the dust its not even funny...
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:14:53 AM